Tuesday 27 March 2018

Análise automática de negociação de opções binárias

Opções binárias Revisão automática do comerciante.

As Opções Binárias O Auto Trader cessaram todas as operações. Visite nossa lista de corretores comerciais recomendada.

Esta página é minha revisão pessoal de uma ferramenta de negociação de opções binárias automatizada que encontrei chamado "BinaryAuto Trader & # 8221 ;. O site oficial é binaryautotrader eo serviço que eles fornecem é uma ferramenta de troca automática que coloca negócios em seu nome. Peguei uma cópia do operador automático das opções binárias e decidi colocar a prova e fazer uma revisão da vida real. Mais de um testemunho se você quiser. Deixe-se chegar a ele:

Binary Auto Trader Detalhes Rápidos / Visão Geral.

O produto: ferramenta de negociação binária automatizada, mãos livres. O que é isso: uma extensão google chrome Quanto custa ?: $ 179 / month Como faço para obtê-lo ?: Visite o BinaryAutoTrader Você precisará de uma conta em um corretor binário compatível com o software . Recomendamos e estamos usando a opção 24.

Minha Experiência Usando a Opção Binária Auto Trader.

Então eu estava realmente entusiasmado por encontrar esse produto. Fiquei céptico, mas estava disposto a dar-lhe um risco. O produto pareceu bem e tem uma taxa de perda / perda realista que eles exibem publicamente. Aqui está como funciona:

Solicite o produto de seu site e verifique seu e-mail para um link para clicar. * Você precisará do navegador google chrome. É grátis. Então, você precisa baixar o plugin do google chrome & # 8211; Isso é muito simples e o clique do mouse.

Fiquei impressionado com a facilidade de configurar e começar. Nenhum arquivo para baixar e localizar no meu sistema para executar. Basta pressionar o botão e o plugin é exibido na minha barra de ferramentas cromada, no canto superior direito. Abri o plugin e entrei na minha conta na opção 24. Uma vez conectado a 24o, o plugin tem 4 campos para confirmar antes de começar a negociar por você.

Antes que o comerciante automático comece a fazer negócios, existem 5 campos para confirmar.

Clique em Concordo e clique em Iniciar para entrar em funcionamento.

Primeiro mostra se você está ou não logado no corretor. Ele também possui um campo opcional que o manterá logado automaticamente se você inserir seu login e senha. Em seguida, confirma que você está logado no seu BARCO (conta BinaryOptionsAutoTrader) e # 8211; se não, você pode clicar para fazer login. Em seguida, ele permite que você defina seu valor de negociação. Isto é o quanto você arrisca por comércio. O mínimo é de US $ 25. Você também pode selecionar uma opção aqui que permite que você faça um comércio novamente no caso de você obter um erro de corretor ao tentar preencher o comércio (deixei essa opção desativada, não queria tentar retomar o comércio se houvesse um erro no primeiro) Em seguida, exige que você aceite os termos e as condições Clique em & # 8216; começar a operar & # 8217; & # 8211; Uma vez que todas as luzes são verdes, ela executará qualquer sinal comercial que receba.

O dia 1 começa com um saldo de US $ 176 em 24 horas.

Começou com $ 176 na minha conta & # 8211; Fazendo R $ 25 Negociações.

Cerca de uma hora depois de iniciar o software do auto-comerciante eu ainda não tenho um comércio ainda. Eu estive logado e saiu algumas vezes para me certificar de que estou conectado.

O meu primeiro sinal comercial ocorre cerca de uma hora e meia depois de iniciar o sinal. Fui notificado por uma pequena caixa que aparece no canto inferior direito da minha tela. Eu não consegui exibir o alerta de sinal que aparece porque porque ele só dura alguns segundos antes de sair da vista. Mas assim que volto para a tela de opções 24, vejo que eu estou no meu primeiro comércio. É um colocar no GPB / USD. Tem uma expiração de 10 minutos e meu preço de exercício é de 1.57568. Quero que esta opção binária expire abaixo deste preço!

My First Trade & # 8211; Na maneira de ser um vencedor.

Sim & # 8211; um vencedor! Estou satisfeito, é claro. I & # 8217; m up já. Três minutos depois, vejo outro sinal comercial. Deixe-o fazer isso.

O próximo comércio foi uma expiração de 30 minutos e foi uma perda. O sistema automático é 1/1 e I & # 8217; m abaixo de alguns dólares devido ao vig. Uma hora e meia depois, outro comércio foi realizado com uma expiração de 10 minutos e também é uma perda. Eu estava um pouco em 1/2, no entanto, eu gosto assim, minhas perdas foram por margens muito estreitas. Estou falando algumas pipetas aqui ou ali. Minha vitória foi saudável no lado vencedor. As perdas foram muito próximas, o que me dá algumas informações positivas para informar.

Eu não tenho um pouco, não é grande coisa.

Mais tarde naquele dia, duas negociações de opções binárias de longo prazo foram tomadas. Havia maiores riscos, maiores negócios de recompensas que não fechavam por alguns dias. Na verdade, eles ocorreram de uma entrada de terça-feira para um fechamento de sexta-feira. Estes ofereceram os pagamentos de final mais alto de cerca de 300%. Não esperava que esses negócios fossem honestos. Eu não saberia os resultados até depois da minha viagem à Disney World que está prevista para quinta a segunda-feira.

O sistema levou mais dois negócios a curto prazo para mim no primeiro dia com uma vitória e uma perda.

Meu saldo estava sentado em US $ 132 com dois negócios de US $ 25 ainda abertos com um pagamento de $ 75 por cada caso ganhassem. Se até 1 deles ganharem, ficarei a cerca de US $ 155 ou mais.

Dia 2 e # 8211; Bom Dia & # 8211; No dia seguinte, foi doce, já que o sistema tomou três trocas em geral com 2 vitórias e 1 empurrão. O empurrão é devolvido mesmo em dinheiro. Estou feliz até agora com o sistema.

Eu parti para a Disney World & # 8211; Não negociação.

Suponho que tecnicamente eu poderia ter deixado o comerciante de automóveis binário enquanto eu estava fora e vi como as coisas acabaram, mas eu quero ver os negócios em curso e eu queria conhecer os prós e contras da ferramenta de troca automática binária para que eu pudesse fazer uma revisão real para você.

Desliguei, tive uma explosão na Disney e voltei ao trabalho antes que você soubesse. * Uau esses jantares de personagens são caros, traga os saldos da sua conta comercial para a Disney, meus amigos!

Eu acabei perdendo ambos os negócios de retorno longshot 300%.

Minha conta é de $ 132. I & # 8217; m até $ 44 até agora. Esse tipo de suga. Oh, bem, eu estou nisso até eu derrubar meu bankroll limitado ou eu faço $ 500.

Back to Work Testing The Binary Auto Trader.

O primeiro dia da Disney é sem intercorrências. Nenhum negócio foi realizado pelo sistema neste dia. Eu não tenho certeza se estou conectado corretamente, no entanto, estou a recuperar o trabalho e não prestar atenção para ativá-lo. Poderia ter sido ligado e apenas nenhum sinal disparado. Eu não tenho certeza.

6 de fevereiro e 8211; Voltei para o escritório e liguei o binaryautotrader hoje e fiquei certo de que eu era bom e loguei. Nenhuma ação no almoço. Acho que o sistema talvez não esteja funcionando?

Então, às 1:45 ou então, eu recebo um sinal comercial no meu ecrã. Sim & # 8211; um vencedor. E por uma margem saudável. Eu gosto de ver isso. As coisas estão indo muito bem. Eu não estou fazendo cargas de dinheiro de barco ainda, mas eu estou um pouco surpreso.

Então, ele começa a descer a colina. Os próximos dias são uma série de perdas com uma vitória aleatória misturada aqui ou ali. Eu irei em frente e publicarei a revisão, já que fica no momento, mesmo que não esteja retratando o BinaryAutoTrader na luz mais positiva. A verdade é que você pode ver que as vezes que eu tenho usado o sistema foram supostamente alguns dos piores resultados até agora. Você pode ver os resultados públicos em seu site (o que lhes dou felicidades por isso) e decidir por si mesmo. Apenas visite seu site e você pode ver as listas completas de resultados, ganhos e perdas.

Um Histórico de Negociação mostrando a maioria de todas as Minhas Negociações com o Binary Auto Trader.

Onde eu paro no final desta revisão?

O saldo da minha conta está em $ 56 $ 77, apenas ganhou outro comércio logo após publicar isso. Tenho o suficiente para dois outros negócios mais se ambos perderem. Vamos esperar uma boa corrida e acabar com isso ou eu vou ter que concluir o meu comentário uma recomendação para impedir o investimento no sistema, a menos que esteja preparado não só para pagar a taxa de US $ 179 / mês, mas também disposto a perder sua conta de negociação enquanto os caras trabalham para voltar seus resultados.

Meu bankroll é oficialmente rebocado.

Atualização & # 8211; 18 de fevereiro minha conta é BUSTO.

Embora eu estivesse quebrando usando o sistema, havia algo que eu gostava sobre isso. Eu gosto do sistema, é simples e fácil e tem potencial.

Eu não acho que seja um substituto para os comerciantes altamente qualificados que fazem isso para a vida ou aqueles que desejam negociar de forma rentável e vai colocar as horas-homem.

Eu acho que para o comerciante médio que está olhando para apostar um pouco nos binários e tem o bankroll para assumir o risco muito bem poderia se transformar em um empreendimento rentável se o sistema funcionar bem por um tempo. Parece que, olhando para o seu registro publicado, meu tempo era tão ruim quanto chegou até quando eu estava executando o auto-comerciante.

Se você deseja verificar isso, visite seu site aqui no binaryautotrader. Eu também incentivo outras experiências e pensamentos sobre este produto abaixo, eu adoraria seus comentários honestos.

Palavra final: se você achou esta revisão útil, por favor, compartilhe-a no Facebook ou no Twitter? Agradeço antecipadamente!

Artigos relacionados:

O BinaryTrading possui relações financeiras com alguns dos produtos e serviços mencionados neste site e pode ser compensado se os consumidores optarem por clicar no nosso conteúdo e comprar ou se inscrever para o serviço. & # 8211; Aviso de Responsabilidade Civil do Governo dos EUA e # 8211; Commodity Futures Trading Commission Futures and Options trading tem grandes recompensas em potencial, mas também grandes riscos potenciais. Você deve estar ciente dos riscos e estar disposto a aceitá-los para investir nos mercados de futuros e opções. Não troque o dinheiro com o dinheiro que você pode perder. Esta não é uma solicitação nem uma oferta para comprar ou vender futuros ou opções. Nenhuma representação está sendo feita para que qualquer conta seja ou seja susceptível de atingir lucros ou perdas semelhantes às discutidas neste site. O desempenho passado de qualquer sistema ou metodologia comercial não é necessariamente indicativo de resultados futuros. CFTC regra 4.41 e # 8211; Resultados de desempenho hipotéticos ou simulados têm certas limitações. Ao contrário de um registro de desempenho real, os resultados simulados não representam a negociação real. também, uma vez que os negócios não foram executados, os resultados podem ter compensado ou compensado o impacto, se houver, de certos fatores do mercado, como a falta de liquidez. Os programas de negociação simulados em geral também estão sujeitos ao fato de serem projetados com o benefício de retrospectiva. Nenhuma representação está sendo feita que qualquer conta será ou provavelmente alcançará lucros ou prejuízos semelhantes aos exibidos.


Por favor, note: Todo o conteúdo deste site é baseado em nossas experiências de escritores e editores e não pretende acusar nenhum corretor com assuntos ilegais. As palavras Scam, lista negra, fraude, fraude, suga, etc. são usadas porque todo o conteúdo deste site está escrito em um formato fictício, entretenimento, satírico e exagerado e, por isso, às vezes é desconectado da realidade. Todos os leitores devem julgar pessoalmente todo o conteúdo e corretores por seus próprios méritos. Além disso, os comentários dos visitantes não são moderados além do spam do link óbvio. As pessoas mentem. Use seu discernimento.

AVISO DE RESPONSABILIDADE: trocar opções binárias é extremamente arriscado e você pode perder todo seu investimento. Apenas deposite e troque com dinheiro que você pode perder. Sempre consulte as leis locais, jurisdições e autoridades antes de realizar qualquer ação na internet. O conteúdo deste site não é um aconselhamento financeiro e, através do uso deste site, você concorda em manter-nos 100% inofensivos para qualquer perda.


Combate fraudes on-line desde 2013.

Mantenha-se afastado da troca de opções de opções binárias.

Nesta revisão, olhamos para um robô comercial chamado "Opção Binária Auto Trading".

Opção binária O Auto Trading é um sistema que promete investimento 100% automático.

Um software irá negociar para você alegadamente com base em sinais de comerciantes profissionais e algoritmos de computador avançados. E é grátis.

Não troque com troca automática de opções binárias.

A primeira pergunta que você deve fazer é: por que alguém estaria dando gratuitamente um robô de opções binário rentável?

A segunda pergunta que você deve fazer é: como é possível que um robô livre de opções binárias tenha um programa de afiliados e pague pessoas por novos membros, de onde o dinheiro vem?

As respostas a estas questões são muito simples. As pessoas que estão por trás da Opção Binária A Auto Trading é afiliada a corretores não regulamentados (Binary Tilt, RBinary, Finpari) e será paga por esses corretores por referir novos depositantes.

Então, como eles fazem você depositar com seu corretor para que eles ganhem sua comissão de afiliados? Eles têm que fazer você acreditar que você ganhará dinheiro. Então eles criaram um pedaço de software que pode trocar automaticamente, mas não lucrativamente. E eles forçam você a depositar primeiro, somente então você pode começar a usar o aplicativo.

É importante, pois, no momento em que você percebe que a Opção Binária Auto Trading é um software perdedor, eles já ganharam sua comissão em você. É assim que funciona.

Você não acredita nisso? Dê uma olhada em seus Termos e Condições na imagem. Em essência, eles dizem que você não deve negociar com base em seu sistema. Os seus sinais provêm de uma terceira festa (não divulgada).

Então você deve esperar perdas. Então não arrisque.


Opção binária O Auto Trading é apenas um dos muitos programas projetados para ganhar dinheiro com seus criadores através de programas de afiliados. O problema é que, ao mesmo tempo, eles perdem dinheiro para os usuários de seus sistemas comerciais, então fiquem longe deles!

Qualquer programa de negociação sério deve permitir que você verifique seu desempenho em uma conta demo. Você nunca deve trocar nenhum sistema ou estratégia com dinheiro real se não puder verificar como funciona em uma demo.


144 pensamentos sobre & ldquo; Fique longe da Opção Binária Auto Trading & rdquo;

Existe algum verdadeiro operador de opção binária ou comerciante de sinais que não seja um embuste.

Oi, eu não penso assim.

Eles são todos fraudulentos. Essa coisa não existe.

Esses caras usam corretores que não estão regulamentados. Eles me telefonaram pedindo para investir e quando eu disse que eu fiz minha pesquisa e descobri que não estavam regulamentados, eles desligaram em mim hahaha # 8230; scammers.

não regulamentado, mas mais confiável e tem um sistema de retirada mais rápido, compara-se com a regulamentada em que eu participei.

O contrário é verdade, os retiros com corretores regulados demoram 24 horas, enquanto o corretor não regulamentado faz o que quiser, muitos deles recusam retiradas completamente e ninguém pode ajudá-lo com empresas não regulamentadas.

Eu não acredito em nenhum revisor que nunca tenha testado a veracidade do software.

Ei, existe algum software de negociação automática que seja legítimo? Se sim, por favor, recomende um KINDLY.

Oi, eu não conheço nenhum.

Oi, parece que todos os sistemas de negociação de automóveis são todos fraudes. No entanto, há algum pagamento legal e decente para # 8221; provedores de sinal ou software que não se conecte a um corretor, ou seja, apenas lhe dá bons sinais para que você possa negociar com qualquer corretor de sua escolha manual com uma conta de corretor existente que já possui e confie?

Eu tentei isso e perdi todo meu dinheiro.

Você pode fornecer uma prova de perda? Ou alguém pode fornecer algo contra eles além da especulação?

Caro detector Bullshit, leia o artigo que você está comentando. Você verá que os autores da negociação automática de opção binária não recomendam usar seu software para negociação de opções binárias. Além disso, eles não estão autorizados a fornecer conselhos de investimento. Mas você não precisa confiar neles, você pode ir e arriscar seu próprio dinheiro.

Penso que essa expressão pode oferecer-lhes alguma forma de proteção legal. Como o piso molhado & # 8221; avisos. Eu não vejo um raciocínio legítimo por trás de suas acusações e é por isso que eu perguntei se você ou alguém tem experiência em primeira mão que é provável de alguma forma.

Eu sou muito céptico de tudo e todos na comunidade de opções binárias. É só que você não tem nada para fazer backup de suas acusações. Apenas algumas screenshots e palavras de seu site. Você realmente comprou e usou seu serviço e perdeu dinheiro? Eu não penso assim. Foi por isso que eu pedi a prova de Kamal que alegou perder dinheiro.

Obrigado pela sua resposta, independentemente. Sem ofensa pretendida.

Eu pessoalmente acredito que nós fornecemos elementos suficientes para provar que o Binary Option Auto Trading é uma fraude. Ou você pode acreditar em nossos argumentos e usar algum senso comum, ou você pode acreditar que as pessoas cedem sistemas de criação de dinheiro de graça, você pode confiar nessa empresa anônima e enviar seu dinheiro para seu corretor não regulamentado e experimentá-lo. Neste caso, boa sorte. Mas nós não investimos em fraudes, revisamos mais de 400 golpes e não há um único caso em que alguém nos induzisse com nossas conclusões. Mas, novamente, você não precisa confiar em nós, você pode ir e arriscar seu próprio dinheiro. Conheço o resultado, estou aqui por muito tempo. Se você não confiar nos nossos argumentos, não tenho mais nada a acrescentar. Apenas faça o que você acredita estar certo, é sua escolha, sua responsabilidade e seu dinheiro. Estamos apenas tentando ajudar as pessoas. Se alguém não quiser nossa ajuda na forma de nossos avisos e críticas, sem ofender, estamos absolutamente certos com isso.

Oi Detetor Bullshit,

Eu tenho usado a Opção Binária de Negociação Automática e desculpe, não funciona de todo. Toda vez que eu teste um pedaço de software, eu sempre tomo screenshots e, se eu te mostrar meu meu software, você choraria. De um saldo de abertura de £ 250, eu permaneço £ 22,28, e meu lucro é - £ 252,72 e isso é por aproximadamente um período de oito semanas. E eu não sou um novato neste jogo que estava fazendo isso por oito anos, então, para um novato, isso seria desastroso. Provavelmente é um dos piores que usei. É inútil, espero que você não tenha colocado dinheiro nisso. Estava perdendo negócios como se estivessem saindo de moda. Espero que isto ajude.

Oi. você continua dizendo que eles usam corretores não regulamentados, mas eles têm banc de binário e 24ption para mencionar um casal. que são ambos altamente considerados. então, primeiro, isso me diz que você não conhece muito. e o aplicativo google play teve mais de 50.000 downloads e opiniões principalmente positivas. Ainda não estou dizendo que vai ganhar dinheiro, mas eu tenho provas em seu favor, enquanto você não menciona nada.

Tudo é explicado em nossa revisão, não posso ensinar-lhe como ler e entender um texto.

Posso enviar-lhe uma imagem de tela de trading. i colocar para começar 250 $ e obter 2 negociações de vitórias e 7 perdidos em alguns dias. E colocar nível de risco de médio. então eu converso com eles eu e eu pedir conselhos e pedir que eu colocar negociação reversa (contra o provedor de sinal) e eles escrevem sim. Agora vou ver, mas provavelmente vou perder tudo. Eles me conectam com 24 corretores de opções.

Eu acho que este é um programa de fraude !!

Aqui estão algumas pessoas que o usam para lucrar:

Você acredita que este site também é liderado por um embuste? Eu pensei que ela era genuína. Você tem alguma coisa a dizer sobre o site dela?

Sem ofensa, por favor. Agradeço o que você faz aqui. Eu também não vejo o ponto de dar esquemas de dinheiro gratuitos. Mas este software de negociação tem vários provedores de sinais e toma comissão seus ganhos. Eles não levam seu dinheiro por adelantado. Você tem um pouco de controle sobre o autobot e você pode escolher o provedor de sinais que deseja. Eu acho que o que eles fazem é aplicar múltiplas alergias / estratégias diferentes através destes & # 8220; provedores & # 8221; e alguns deles são obrigados a ter sucesso às vezes. E eles ganham comissões daqueles que ganham, assim eles nunca perdem, dando às pessoas uma chance (ou uma ilusão de uma chance lol). Desculpe se eu venha de agressivo. Eu simplesmente não acho que sua evidência está provando que eles são um golpe sem duvida. Obrigado de qualquer forma pela discussão.

Aliás, não estou dizendo que esses caras são legítimos. Eu também tenho muitas dúvidas sobre esse e os robôs automatizados em geral. Não deixei-lhes depositar um aninho. Não recomendo a ninguém dar-lhes dinheiro. Eu apenas estava apontando que seus argumentos não são muito sólidos. Qualquer pessoa se sinta à vontade para adicionar qualquer coisa a essa discussão. Eu adoraria ver algumas provas.

Brokerscamalert? Não posso confiar em nenhum site que publique revisão com links de afiliados. Brokerscamalert será pago se você se inscrever para negociação automática de opção binária através do link na sua chamada revisão. Escrever comentários sobre coisas que você realmente vende não é apenas ético, mas você não pode chamar esses artigos de revisão. E, novamente, a Opção Binária do Auto Trading o obriga a usar um dos seus corretores, porque eles são pagos por referir novos comerciantes a esses corretores. É assim que eles ganham dinheiro. E pergunte-se por que eles estão usando apenas corretores não regulamentados, exceto um, o Banc de Binário, que provavelmente é o pior corretor regulado que conheço. E por que o Binary Option Auto Trader está mostrando prêmios falsos em sua página inicial? E por que eles mostram depoimentos falsos com fotos roubadas? Porque é um SCAM.

usei o sistema copytrade e me faz ganhar dinheiro 10% por mês, talvez você possa tentar.

oi detetor de besteira, eu tenho dinheiro de investir em negociação automática de opções binárias do que você veio a saber que é uma farsa, senão se afastar delas, eu me juntei a eles recentemente por brokersscamsalert. i atrapalhado ao ler comentários abaixo, você sabe o que acontece primeiro dia para mim cinco trocas 4 ganhou 1 vez pensei ohh o que eu estou procurando, mas o segundo dia 7 perde em uma fileira, se você é um fornecedor de sinal perdedor de perda do que você não receberá nenhum comércio, de qualquer maneira eu acabei de ver seu comentário aqui então eu acho que devo dizer-lhe para economizar seu dinheiro, e outra coisa se o comentário post-nagetivo na revista anna não irá demonstrar seus comentários.

Oi. Brokerscamalert e Opção Binária O Auto Trading é um SCAM. Comecei a usar o Auto Trading há 3 semanas. No primeiro dia eu fiz $ 50, o que eu estava entusiasmado. Então eu tive um telefonema do corretor, o RBinary, e eu consegui SCAMMED. Ele disse que era o vice-presidente da empresa, e queria mostrar-me quantos dos seus clientes tinham feito bons lucros. Eu tolamente deixá-lo acessar de forma remota meu computador, e eu o deixei em uma conta bancária minha, e ele tirou NZ $ 1800, mais os NZ $ 450 que eu já tinha sentado no Auto Trader, e eu o vi fazer uma opção de venda alguma mercadoria. Ele disse que não se preocupava e que o dinheiro estava segurado contra a empresa. Ele me contataria de volta. Essa foi a última vez que vi meu dinheiro. Eu tentei entrar em contato com o RBinary, mas a mesma pessoa apenas me enviou um e-mail dizendo que ele tentou entrar em contato comigo (o que é uma mentira) e que eu deveria ligar para ele para começar a ganhar dinheiro. I & # 8217; vou ficar longe do comércio binário agora.

Eu sei que deveria ter fechado a conexão antes de retirar os fundos. Parecia suspeito quando tentava aumentar o limite de crédito no meu cartão de crédito para que ele pudesse tirar mais dinheiro. Mas eu só posso aprender com isso.

Eu tentei enviar uma mensagem em brokerscamalert para avisar os outros, mas a mensagem não apareceu no site, porque eles monitoram as mensagens primeiro e apenas exibem as mensagens que colocam o software em uma boa luz. Eles são uma farsa.

Eu só quero avisar a todos. O site brokerscamalert está afiliado à troca de opções de opções binárias. No topo de sua página, eles se chamam de Opções Binárias, usando a mesma fonte do seu software. Isso sempre parecia suspeito para mim, mas tive que tentar por desafortunadamente. Claro que eles vão dizer que todos os outros programas são uma farsa, exceto a deles.

Só espero que algumas pessoas possam aprender com o meu erro e não deixar esses criminosos perto do seu dinheiro arduamente ganho.

Outros pesquisadores de fraudes descobriram que este é o único software licenciado legalmente para negociação. Eu investei e ganhei 8 negociações de 10, o corretor é companheiro binário e fiz uma retirada que estava no meu banco em menos de uma hora, os robôs não são um dinheiro mágico fazendo o botton, você precisa seguir o mercado e escolha os melhores sinais e plataformas, não negocie as previsões que estão em todo o lugar.

O software NÃO é licenciado de forma alguma. E Binary Mate é um corretor não regulamentado que nem sequer fornece um endereço! Um robô deve trocar por você, então, se você diz que você deve decidir quais sinais de comércio, não faz sentido usar um robô.

Binarytilt é uma fraude total. Tentei me retirar por meses e nunca me deixaram retirar. Eles usarão todas as táticas de atraso que você possa imaginar. Eles também tentarão assiná-lo com o novo corretor. Eles finalmente contactaram-me. Um cara que era de algum tipo de programa de recuperação em binarytilt. Ele disse que lamentava muito que meu dinheiro estivesse perdido e iria recuperá-lo. Ele deliberadamente perdeu tudo. Eles são criminosos totais. Fique longe deles a todo custo.

Você usou pessoalmente qualquer software de negociação automática que funcione? Procurei em seu site para ver se você menciona ou recomenda um software de troca de automóveis confiável e bom, não encontrei nenhum. Não há um software de negociação de automóveis bom e confiável que não seja uma farsa? Eu sou um newbee e eu quero evitar qualquer possibilidade de perder meu dinheiro.

Eu concordo com o & # 8220; Bulshit detector & # 8221; Como qualquer pessoa de mentalidade mental de raciocínio se perguntaria, se você disser que algo não é bom, então forneça uma prova. E qualquer pessoa que tenha uma experiência de primeira mão de preferência, comprando o software e usá-lo, deve ser a pessoa certa para dizer isso ou aquilo é uma fraude (no seu próprio caso, todos os softwares de negociação automática são fraudes). E estranho de tudo, não há uma prova dos usuários desses produtos, nem mesmo até 10 ou 2 pessoas.

Eu não usei nenhum software de negociação de automóveis ainda porque eu sou um newbee ainda procurando e esperando que eu encontre um bom de sites de revisão como o seu. E pense que será mais convincente se você adicionar provas com vídeos e instantâneos de sua própria negociação com qualquer sistema que você revisar. Existem alguns sites que fazem comentários de apenas produtos que eles usaram e os sistemas que eles não testaram, deixaram isso fora, mas quando perguntados sobre eles honestamente, você já ouviu falar sobre isso, mas não o usei, eu acho que é melhor assim. .

Se você não concordar que as provas que fornecemos em nossas revisões são suficientes e se os comentários de usuários reais nas discussões em nossos artigos não são suficientes para você, eu não tenho mais, mas não podemos fazer mais. Se tivéssemos de investir em todas as fraudes lá fora, até agora nos custaria cerca de US $ 100.000 em depósitos perdidos. Nós não estamos loucos & # 8230; Repito isso uma e outra vez, não temos nada a ganhar nisso, nós o fazemos principalmente como um serviço público, não vendemos nada. Se você não confiar em nossas revisões, é bom, vá e teste esses programas com seu próprio dinheiro, não há problema algum. Você não precisa ler um site que você não confie. Acreditamos que fornecemos provas suficientes do que dizemos, mas, obviamente, você não precisa concordar. Talvez você prefira confiar em outros comentários que vendem esses programas que eles analisam, é sua escolha # 8230;

Eu fiz uma pesquisa extensa sobre esse site e bot e confirmei que o site de Anna e o software Bot são um grande SCAM. Eu enviei um e-mail para todos na seção de comentários do site da Anna, e uma pessoa me devolveu dizendo a sua experiência perdendo dinheiro para esta fraude. Don & # 8217; t deposite qualquer coisa! Não caia nessa armadilha. Aprenda BO você mesmo. Existem inúmeros sourcs online. Faça o caminho mais difícil e faça você sozinho.

Eles não respondem os e-mails ou os sinos de aviso.

Oi, john novak, há um novo software automatizado no mercado. Napcashbinary. it é todo o local onde o famoso site de exposição de fraudes está dando boa revisão sobre isso. Olhe para ele.

Oi, é uma farsa, veja a nossa revisão binária Snapcash. A triste verdade é que a grande maioria dos sites de revisão de opções binárias é uma fraude. Eles expõem alguns golpes para ganhar alguma credibilidade, mas eles promovem alguns outros golpes por dinheiro.

Oi, eu estava lendo todos os seus comentários, então, se todo o comércio de automóveis é ascam, qual é a maneira de ganhar dinheiro online?

Oi, o comércio manual é o caminho.

Tire um tempo e estude o mercado, é um assunto difícil, mas depois de um período não inferior a um ano, você poderá prever o market75 por cento, e é claro que você precisa ler notícias econômicas para saber o que está acontecendo ao investir ou a qualquer site de sua escolha As pessoas bem-sucedidas da linha de vendas do negócio. bottom line nao darão a sua & # 8220; magic stick & # 8221; bem desse jeito.

E quanto ao finpari?

Ouvi dizer que é um corretor não regulamentado. Você tentou sua plataforma? Se tentar como é que o seu ponto segue a opção vencedora%?

Oi, Finpari não está regulamentado. Eles nem fornecem um endereço de contato, por isso é impossível saber de onde eles são. Eu recomendo não negociar com corretores não regulamentados.

Oi, eu sou novo em opções binárias e tenho lido comentários por cerca de três meses agora e tudo isso é muito confuso. Por favor, você poderia responder a essas perguntas para mim?

1. Por que é que um site de revisão vai dizer que um Auto Robot é uma fraude e outro vai dizer que não está incluído?

2. Você diz que a Opção Binária O Auto Trading é uma fraude e funciona com corretores não regulamentados que querem ganhar todo o seu dinheiro 24Option agora está trabalhando com eles e eles são regulamentados e conhecidos em todo o mundo como sendo um dos melhores se não o corretor melhor e mais confiável, então por que eles colocariam o nome e a reputação na linha com um chamado embuste?

3. Você diz que todos os Robôs Automáticos são fraudes e só querem tirar todo o seu dinheiro? No entanto, você nomeou a IQ Option como um dos seus melhores corretores para negociar, mas eles acabaram de lançar seu próprio Auto Robot, então, qual é a sua opinião sobre isso?

1) Você está se contradizendo com o ponto 3). Eu nunca disse que o Auto Robot não é uma fraude. Todos os robôs que revisamos até agora são fraudes. Alguns sites de revisão falsa publicam avaliações positivas de alguns robôs porque eles são pagos por promovê-los.

2) A maioria dos golpes de tempo trabalham com corretores não regulamentados, mas alguns corretores regulados sem escrúpulos também podem cair neste jogo. A iniciativa não é certamente um corretor bom, ouvimos muitas queixas sobre eles e eles foram banidos na França. Isto é o quão ruim é esse corretor. E se a opção 24 aceita novos clientes referidos por golpistas, isso só confirma sua má reputação.

3) IQ Option não oferece nenhum robô que lhe promete dinheiro. Eles apenas oferecem uma ferramenta para automatizar estratégias em robôs e você pode compartilhar suas estratégias automatizadas com outras pessoas. Cabe a cada comerciante se eles querem construir seus próprios robôs ou tentar robôs construídos por outra pessoa. Você pode tentar qualquer robô em uma demonstração gratuita com eles. Novamente, sem promessas de ganhos, é apenas uma ferramenta, como a MQL em Metatrader. Por outro lado, os golpistas constroem robôs ruins e eles prometem muito dinheiro, embora eles saibam que seu software está perdendo dinheiro. Eles não conseguiram testá-los em uma demonstração e eles apenas o levam a depositar e perder dinheiro. Veja a diferença?

Realmente curioso por que meu comentário não respondeu mais cedo hoje e acabou de ser excluído & # 8230; Devo dizer algo que você não quis responder. Então, para mim, isso significa que seu site de revisão não é melhor do que todos os outros e você apenas regula quais comentários para manter e para se livrar. Talvez você apenas seja pago por recomendar determinados sites.

Nós moderamos comentários porque recebemos muitos spam. Seu comentário não foi excluído, na verdade, acabei de responder.

(1) Todos devem ouvir John aqui. Não há nenhum sistema de comerciante automático que funcione. Eles são todos golpes. Este é o único site de revisão que encontrei que não tenta empurrar um comerciante automático como um sistema de ligação.

(2) Loka, eu pessoalmente troco com Finpari. Eu inscrevi-me através de um dos traficantes de auto fraudes. Mas por causa da atenção que recebi do Finpari (treinamento pessoal via Skype), escolhi dar-lhes uma chance. Minha experiência foi boa com eles. Não tome isso como uma recomendação, estou simplesmente afirmando minha experiência com eles.

(3) Para aqueles de vocês localizados nos EUA, existem várias empresas de comércio on-line altamente respeitadas que agora oferecem contas de negociação binária. Eles não passam pelo mesmo nome que os que você ouve anunciados, mas estão afiliados a eles.

Um aviso. Negociar com esses corretores dos EUA não é o mesmo que com os corretores internacionais. As opções não funcionam da mesma forma. A maioria deles oferece contas de demonstração de US $ 50.000 ou US $ 100.000 para você tentar e ter uma idéia da negociação.

(4) Use o seu senso comum, se parecer muito bom para ser verdade. É UM SCAM.

Oi, John, acho que você abriu os olhos, todos nós precisamos de dinheiro extra, mas para ser honesto, esses caras que se chamam conselheiros fraudulentos são parte do sindicato e, como um pobre sul africano, vou fazer um curso e trocar com um registro corretores no meu país, onde eu conheço seus escritórios físicos.

Bem melhor para perder dinheiro você mesmo do que deixar algum & # 8220; robô & # 8221; perder tudo por você 🙂

Btw, qualquer bom programa binário indica o programa a introduzir?

Pelo menos podemos seguir sinais e decidir se seguimos ou não 🙂

Eu apenas me inscrevo para o binaryoptionautotrading e deposite 250 $ throw my. hbcbroker / MyAccount. aspx.

Depois de ler todos os seus comentários, fique preocupado agora, existe uma opção no hbcbroker (Retirar fundos), vou tentar recuperar meu dinheiro. Espero que eles enviem meu dinheiro de volta, eu direi tudo o que acontecerá comigo último.

Você conseguiu recuperar seu dinheiro?

Obrigado por todos os seus conselhos de especialistas. Você já analisou o Metatrader? Fui enganado junto com 400 pessoas na Tailândia, que acreditaram que nossos investimentos estavam indo muito bem. Tivemos nossa própria conta para entrar e verificar os saldos, etc. Acontece que os golpistas apenas compraram o Metatrader Software e manipularam seus valores de investimento. Parece ridículo que uma empresa de software possa vender software que permita manipulação como essa que possa enganar todos nós, novatos. Eu escrevi para o escritório de Cingapura sobre a fraude de 10 milhões de euros que aconteceu aqui na Tailândia e eles nunca responderam. Eu acho que os provedores de software são tão culpados quanto os golpistas, pois sabem que seus softwares podem ser manipulados por criminosos.

Oi Graham, é difícil. Metatrader é a plataforma de negociação mais popular. Eu sei que corretores e outras entidades podem abusar, mas você pode abusar de quase tudo. Quero dizer, se um carro corre sobre alguém, é culpa do motorista, não do fabricante do carro. So I would not blame Metaquotes (creators of Metatrader), because they just sell a trading platform and it is up to people how they use it. That being said I’m really sorry for what happened to you and I understand you anger. Scams can be very sophisticated and it is sometimes very difficult to see through.

I suppose optionrobot is also a scam?

All of you follow this professional trader , his name is Paul : prestigebinaryoptions.

Prestigebinaryoptions is a scam website that promotes scams like Code Fibo and Paul is a scammer.

That’s a lie, I have all the evidence I tried all those software sir.

It seems like you just jump to conclusions and you are not following up with the industry.

Code fibo is amongst the best signal services out there, it’s just a signal service, it used to be an auto trader.

So all these guys are scams:

(Youtube links deleted by admin)

All those systems are tested live, you are just talking without testing anything sir, most likely.

Everything is scam to you.

Let people subscribe to the Channels and find out.

These guys are good in exposing the worst scammers out there and every single scam that get released in every single week.

Try to be realistic and subscribe to these channels so you can be on the top of the industry instead of being close minded.

I have almost 10 guys who are in this industry trying scam software and losing their own money to warn people and present the good systems to them.

A broker can be bad by not connecting the softwares to the accounts or deactivating one or more of the softwares algorithms, do you would thing the software is a scam.

But there are a lot of software scams of course.

If you want more people to follow with their channels , let me know everybody.

Please stop spamming and lying. All the Youtube guys you mentioned are scammers, they promote these scams with affiliate links. Nobody here is so stupid to believe that there are several free money making robots. Free money does not exist. In every review we publish we provide proofs that these programs are scams. We have reviewed more than 400 scams and every time we proved our conclusions.

(Youtube links deleted by admin)

So all these guys are scams .

I got at least 10 professional traders trading full time , they test the scam oft ware with their own money live and they test the good ones live to present them to people.

I just posted 3 only.

The last legitimate software that came out was the Lexington code , a legitimate great software that was tested by these guys, live.

If you want me to post more videos sir let me know.

Excuse me but you are just a liar and scammer. You have sh*t and not a single professional trader. Videos with positive results of Lexington Code and other disgusting scams are faked, because you guys are promoting this crap for money. And you dare coming here promoting your scam?! I repeat, in every review we provide evidence proving that these program are scams. Just read our reviews and you will see.

Is stox market a scam trader.

Stox Market is not regulated, so I would stay away.

All this is shut, Binaryonline, K2Investing, are all Shit…. Of you want to lose ignore what I see here…. Am a victim, you’re next…

Learn trading for yourself…

StoxMarket is a scam, stay away. I have used them and still waiting for my withdrawal since 1st of May, 2017. I signed up for Epix Trading software and StoxMarket was assigned to me as a broker. I deposited $250 as initial fund. When I discovered that the software was placing losing trades and my money droped to $170, I quickly made a withdrawal request on 1st of May. I made severals chat sessions with the support desk, but the only thing they said all the time was “be patient” Till this moment, they are not answering my calls and emails anymore and I have not received my money. Someone advised me to contact my bank’s fraud department to wade in. Stay away from automated binary robots. A word is enough for the wise.

The penny millionaire.

The lexingtone code.

The snapcash binary.

The wiki trader.

All those were tested by these guys and gave fabulous results.

Check their YouTube channels up there.

The problem sometimes with a legitimate software is a bad broker who does not wanna connect the software to the account bcz it will cost them a lot of money to be paid to you. So they Deactivate some of the algorithms of the software to not let it perform at its best.

But those guys are connected to good brokers, the ones regulated in Europe.

In the other hand the scam softwares are made by the scam brokers in the first place to make you deposit and loose your money.

All these scams use paid actors that appear in a lot of scams under different names. All these scams use fake testiomonials with paid actors from Fiverr and other sources. All these scams use losing software that is used by a lot of scams at the same time, only the name changes, the app remains the same. We prove all this in our reviews. And real users confirm that these scams are losing money.

I am not saying this to you Adsmart, because you obviously are one of the scammers promoting your work here, I am saying this to our readers. You can either believe our reviews, our proofs and real user comments. Or you can believe that there is free money for everyone in the shape of free binary options robots that will end unemployment and poverty in this world for free. What you believe will not change anything for us, unlike scammers we won’t make any money should you believe these binary options robot work or don’t work. Those who say these binary options robots work, promote them in their fake reviews with affiliate links, so they get paid for it.

Ok sir I’am a lier and a deceiver. I’am just promoting links to facing softwares with fake videos to get paid, alright.

2- *** pay attention to the name of the brokers, they are regulated brokers in the UK, go ahead and contact the support of those brokers as many of them as you want, then ask them if they have those systems connected to the clients accounts, then you will find out about the truth.

Now how come regulated brokers would allow scam softwares to be connected to the clients account and cause the customers to loose money, that would be bad reputation for regulated high rank brokers, they would loose business.

If it’s connected to a good broker who activates its algorithms, it simply places trades for you very quick, faster that a human being, with anylisig the trades, the software chooses the high possibility winning ones using the algorithms integrated in it, but that’s with the condition that the broker connects the software to the account and activates the algorithms.

Now if you are a man don’t delete this comment and post it.

I edited your comment, because you are just trying to promote your scams here and we won’t allow that. Now let me address the rest of your comment.

1) There are no regulated binary options brokers in the UK, because binary options are not regulated in the UK as an investment tool. Here is the proof: fca. uk/news/press-releases/fca-proposes-stricter-rules-contract-difference-products – “The FCA is also setting out its vision on a range of policy measures for binary bets that would complement existing conduct of business rules, once these products are brought into the FCA’s regulatory scope.” So you proved again that you are a liar. Now all the binary options only brokers that show a London address are not regulated, the real owners remain hidden, they just bought a postal address in London, they have no real offices there. These brokers participate in many scams.

2) Do you think that anybody really believes your fairy tale about you being so kind that you are investing your time and work in making other people make money for free? We are not that stupid. I repeat, in all our reviews we provide proofs that these programs are scams. These are tangible proofs that you cannot undo or hide. Just one example for all: Wiki Trader that you promote. The sick bit*h who claims to be the CEO of this program calls herself Kelly Wallace and she says that her company created a software called Wiki Trader. But this exact same software is used by dozens of other programs, all saying the same bulls*it about a unique program, see the proof on the picture in the review. What’s more, this same sick bit*h called herself two years ago Sarah Markel, the creator of the Quick Cash trading system based on a secret that her kidnapped husband discovered. It could not be more obvious that these programs are total scams, so stop your bullsh*t!

We are continously receiving real feedback from real people who have fallen for these scams. They all lost their money. You sick motherfu*ker should realize that often you scam people in desperate life situations, who use their last savings with your scams hoping it will save them. These people are often old and/or ill and desperately need money. And you make them lose their last savings. You are destroying lifes! Stop your crimes before it’s too late. You really make me throw up!

I apologize to everybody else for words I have used, but I have seen several people and their lifes destroyed by these scams, because they lost their last or even borrowed money with them. So scammers that are trying to promote their work on our website make me really angry.

Thank you for website John Novak.

It makes a lot of sense. Your website avoided me putting any money down ($250), which I needed to put down first before the “guy” on the phone would deal with me. As I never put the money down, phone calls persisted from his “colleagues”. my data at that point was sold I assume. It was via Banc de Binary, which sounded very legit. And very easy to open an account. But some thing just seemed off, as they were very pushy in wanting me to send the money, they were rushing me, saying I should trade now as I would make money now, so “could I transfer the money today still”.

Cruel Cruel World out there with these scammers.

Hi James, Banc de Binary was so cooperative with scammers that in the end they could not withstand the complaints and had to renounce the EU licence.

I agree 100% with you John – all these scammers should be shot!

bullshit all the names you mentioned are scams - clearly you are getting paid to promote and rip people off – how do you sleep at night.

Bonjour, je suis commerçant canadien, depuis près d’un an et je peux vous confirmer que John et son équipe vous donne leur juste, lorsqu’il vous dites c’est un scam, un escroc vous pouvez les croire,

j’ai testé différent Robots et courtiers je me suis fait prendre a faire des test a cause des sites qui font la promotion de courtier malhonnête, je suis heureux d’avoir tombé par hasard sur votre site, car je m’apprêtais a ouvrir un compte avec option robot auto traiding, n’ayant très peu d’information sur eu, je cherchais en savoir un peu plus, merci j’avais un gros doute maintenant que je sais.

,Finalement a vous tous qui lisez cette chronique, consulter régulièrement se site, j’ai lu les analyses des courtiers avec qui j’ai ouvert des comptes et c’est la pure vérité sur eux.

First: I have not signed up yet, I am not affiliated to earn commissions.

Second; I read about Daweda / Broker … A broker Licensed and respected in the world market.

Third: That, Daweda has a semi auto trader, who needs SETTING first before connecting..this Software.

Fourth: The customer will have to read the Economic Calendar first, to know the volatility of the day market. Primarily news of the three red bulls of certain currencies., Put stop loss, stop trades, amount of money to apply, how often, choose the less volatile pairs currencies; Etc. etc.

Daweda, would not put this Software to rip the customer money, this would be for a help, for anyone who has notion of Market binaries ..

I’m analyzing for sign up, what’s the opinions here on the Forum?

Daweda is relatively new, only one year old, so it is way too early to talk about respect.

Bravo John Novak, based on my personal experience, you are perfectly right! Despite all their claims, Binary Option Auto Trading (BOAT) is an obvious scam. They collude with brokers to defraud traders. Likewise, despite its so-called reputation, readers should be careful with 24option. Yes, they are a regulated company, but that does not mean that they operate responsibly. Around January 27, 2017, I opened an account with 24option. My intention was to deposit $250, but their representative encouraged me to increase it to $500, promising to give me a 100% bonus. But after depositing the $500, the account manager assigned to me insisted that if they gave me the bonus, 24option would be a joint owner of my account. This means that I would be trading, while they would be sharing whatever profit I make with me. The representative who urged me to increase my deposit to $500 never told me about such a condition. In the end, I did not talk about the bonus again, and they did not give me any.

When I opened my account with 24option, I did so through Binary Option Auto Trading (BOAT). Some websites promote the BOAT software as being fantastic at making profitable trades on behalf of traders. See for example, the website, ‘Binary Option Auto Trading Software Review: A Trusted Automated Platform’ (please also be careful with the owner of that website, Anna Georgieva, who appears to me to have some interest to serve. I posted a comment there about my recent experience with BOAT, but for some strange reason, it disappeared).

Shortly after opening my account with 24option, BOAT informed me that they had installed their trading software on my account and that I should do some setting, which they did not even care to explain to me properly, despite being a new user. Between Jan 30 and Feb 3 2017, while I was still busy trying to complete my account verification process at 24option, I lost access to my account and could not login. When I finally regained access late on Feb 3, I found, to my greatest shock, that my account had been reduced from the original deposit of $500 to $196. I immediately contacted 24option for explanation, but they insisted that I had been trading, which I denied.

On Feb 6 2017, 24option informed me that the BOAT software had been trading on my behalf (without my knowledge). By this time, my account balance had further been reduced to $166. I then complained to BOAT, requesting them to turn off whatever software they had installed on my account. They asked me to login at their website and click a certain button to deactivate, which I did. On that same day, they confirmed to me that the software had been deactivated. Despite that, by Feb 8 2017, my account balance was once more reduced to $165.44.

One does not require the brains of an Einstein to understand that the BOAT software consistently traded losses for me. Also, by shutting me out of my account, they made it impossible for me to quickly discover what was happening until they had substantially depleted my account balance. It also baffles me how trading on my account could have occurred when, according to 24option, ‘in order to start trading you will need to upload a few documents in order for us to verify and approve your trading account.’ Interestingly, since losing my money, 24option has been bombarding me with emails and text messages to complete my account verification process. You can also read users’ comment about 24option at this website – *** (link deleted by admin, because the website promotes scams like Binary Option Robot).

I share in your grievances and wish to thank you for sharing this helpful but sad experience.

I almost got into the same trap but you’ve save me from making the same mistake.

May I offer you my thanks in what you are doing and for no reward or commission, like most of the others who make commissions when you sign up through them, I have only just realised what you are saying is what has been crossing my mind recently!

I signed up with, FashCash. biz and was given Ivory Option as my broker, I did manage to withdraw most of my deposit, except for a little I lost in my own bad trades, then I signed up with Lexington Code and lost some money, not all my deposit, I stopped before that happened, the latest one is Nuvo Finance, this one is fairly new and shows a lot of possibility to make money, so I believed, I made 9 trades and lost 5 of them, I started with £250 and ended up with £203 which I have placed a withdrawal notice, another auto scam down the drain, now I have found John Novak’s site, I wont be losing anymore money on these scams and spammers, all I will be doing in the future will be my own trades, with a strategy that still has to be put into action, but given time and a lot of patience may make a little cash!!

John, if you have any sound strategies you would be willing to pass on to me, you have my email address?

Robert, you are the wiser! As John suggests, patiently learning to trade manually is the answer. No ‘open sesame.’ Boa sorte!

Technology or not, I think the old saying still holds true: If it’s too good to be true, it is too good to be true.

Much as I want to earn extra on a much easier way, I simply can’t risk my hard-earned money just the same so I continue to try my best on what I really do best to earn.

Spot on John, thank you so much, I have been using IQ options for a couple of weeks and it is very hard work, as you need to concentrate, however I was over £300 up in less then a week, but the old greed, kicked in and within minutes I lost it, I have since “clawed my way back” and I am £30 up. But I too thought there must be a easier way, ie. Robôs. I signed up with Option Robot, for £250 but without trading I realised it was not for me, and I withdrew. Fair play to the broker which was 24 Option I received my money back in 2 days. Just for the people looking at this one thing kept bugging!! me was that optionrobot asked for initial $250, which is around £200 GB, so why would they not accept my £200 deposit. Pergunte a si mesmo. I was lucky I did not trade and got my money back. But if I had gone on they where already £50 up on my deposit. John great advise keep it going if you help at least 1 person, it is worth it, Thanks again.

Hi, Just a further point IQ Options is regulated, and has great software platform, but for those who not now, this broker the “PUT” or “CALL” option is your decision not a so called ROBOT, I agree with someone else’s comment it may take longer to achieve, but if you make a mistake it is YOUR fault, NOT the ROBOT. However I can tell you my record within 3 hours was £ 105.00, I at this point decided to call it a day, that was from a £10 start, My Point……….. THAT was a great feeling, a ROBOT cannot give you that. SO please take mine JOHN and others advice stay clear of ROBOTS, do it yourself.

24 Options also can be run by you and are regulated, very good, however I personally prefer IQOPTIONS, very simple software and you get FREE demo/Practice for life, plus all the backup, videos, etc. Before you ask NO I am not a affiliate, just trying to help as JOHN has, check it out, its your money, your life we all make mistakes, but hopefully this will not be the case. Obrigado.

thanks for everything John, you are a wise soul!

this binary world seems full of scammers. I believe you can make money in this world, would like information on how to start and learn binary in safe hands, can you recommend any website to help a total beginner in binary please.

Hi, you can start at babypips. It’s about Forex, but technical and fundamental analysis is valid for binary options too.

Hi John how much do you know about Shawn Anthony uses email:anthonyshaw540yahoo.

Hi, I don’t know him.

Hi John, seems like we all ask about the same but different robots… Do you know anything about Exante? Tnx in advance.

Hi, do you mean exante. eu – the broker?

What are you guys talking about here . You guys still try something but you don’t use your brains…WALL STREET ! If there is a robot that can make money automatically why do they go there and work for 8-9 hours or even more selling buying stocks . I Guarantee there is no working auto trading bot. I’ll tell you more that all is scripted so you might make money for the first couple of days before you make a big investment because you sure it works but that’s the moment when you will start loosing your money. DONT INVEST WITH BOTS trade with Account managers or people who know how to analyze the market.

Do you know about EPIX TRADER because every body who writes scam review is telling that this is the most advance AUTO TRADER can you please check this out tks.

Hi John, I totally agree with you and appreciate with your work. Is ExpertOption a regulated broker ? Please advise, thanks..

Hi, no, it’s not regulated.

Hi John, thank you very much for your reply.

The people working at Banc de Binary are the biggest scamster in binary options. I have learnt the hard way and lost all my savings. The best option is to learn and educate yourself. There is no easy way to make money.

Hi John. Binary Scam Advisor recommends Binary Option Auto Trading as the “only” robot that is NOT a scam? Are they linked in any way? Reading all the comments and your own review, I am now uncertain as whether to even consider them.

Hi, in that case Binary Scam Advisor is a scam website. It seems that they promote Binary Option Auto Trading with an affiliate link. It’s either this or money is free in this world and everybody will quit their jobs thanks to Binary Option Auto Trading. I suggest you ask your national financial regulator about Binary Option Auto Trading, I’m sure they will confirm what I say.

I’m looking for a good BINARY OPTIONS SIGNAL PROVIDER and please tell me if you know some.

Currently I’m trading with IQ Options. Obrigado.

Hi, I’m sorry but I don’t know about any profitable signals service.

Am now planning for my retiring,,I tried to log – in to ” binaryoptionautotrading ”..and they forwarded me.

to a broker the ” Binary CM “..Is this not a scam ?

Your advice for me will be much appreciated..

Anything you know on SPEAR TRADER”. Some said legit and some said scams. Obrigado.

Hi, Spear Trader is not regulated, I would stay away.

I live in Belize Central America and I am a beginner in the binary options industry. I have be researching the industry for about a year now and my findings are similar to yours about this type of online trading.

Can you tell me anything about Ayrex.

I have read that IQoption is not regulated this side of the world Central America.

24options my other option , which is regulated by IFSC here in Belize.

Are they any trusted brokers you personally would recommend regulated or not.

Furthermore, I am undecided if I should combine a signal service provider (by Agent Matt of Binary Options Agency) with my manual trading.

Hi, I certainly recommend trading with regulated brokers only. Ayrex is not regulated. 24option is regulated, but they have a bad reputation, the French national regulator banned them in France. No offence, but I believe that financial regulation is stronger in the EU than in Belize. So I think that you are safer with an EU regulated broker like IQ Option.

Concerning signals, so far I haven’t seen any profitable service. If they let you try the signals on a demo, you can do it and see how it works. If not, stay away, certainly don’t start trading signals immediately on a live account.

Jake Mason’s saffa method working with Plus Options as their broker is also a scam. Last week I funded my account after trying for some time in a demo mode. I would get response within seconds on the questions I asked on live chat while I was on demo mode. The moment I deposited the money, I never got any responses anymore. Some guys pretending to be account manager n senior account manager claimed they have been trying to call be yet that was a lie. I have placed withdrawal requisition and I only imagine the BS of a response I’m gonna get. Stay away from Plus Options and Saffa method. They are scams.

Any advise on binaryrobot365?

I am also starting to notice, after a few weeks of reading their reviews, that brokerscamalert by Anna Georgieva is also a scam. If not a scam, she does not mind intentionally misleading users for profits. Muito decepcionante. She seemed to be the only true reviewer out there.

But your reviews also seem genuine at first glance.

So how am I to know that you re not also a scam site posing as a true reviewer?

It’s simple, all binary options robots, systems and signals services we have reviewed so far were scams. We do not recommend a single one, unlike other review websites that expose some scams but endorse others.

You are just lying, i tried it and it works. Assim? What do you say now? You are stupid, ok? In 1 hour i made more than €500. Surprised?

No, not suprised, scammers often come to our website to promote their programs with fake reviews.

Thank you so much for this article! i’m new to trading and almost downloaded the binary option auto trading. I would’ve lost a lot of money if it wasn’t for all the comments. Really appreciate what you’re doing here!

Well said on your side…

But once again, do you know about binary robot 365?

In the demo is doing absolutely winderful., also it goes with all the prices expiry times.

Please explain and help in this case as you have mentioned that demo is also important.

I will be patiently waiting for a reply, because, I actually opened 2 different platforms just to be sure if the expired trades are axactly the same time as on other plartfoms.

Another strategy that I’m using and it is giving me over 89% win rate daily is as follows: I open binary robot 365 demo and set it on 5min expiry, then on the other hand I Open my IQ in real account then coppy what br365 did, honestly I always in the money.

If you guys don’t believe me on this I can screen shot my real account and unfortunately demo doesn’t keep history but if u are a trader you will notice on my real account that no human can be so accurate using turbo.

Thank you, I’m not a scam, I’m just a boy from south Africa… Obrigado.

It must be down to some luck, because Binary Robot 365 is using a fake demo. It is based on the White Label Robot scam software, just like dozens of other scams robot. See our review. The robot fakes results only to manipulate losers to winners.

Thank you for your review with binary options trading. I’m about to sign in but after reading all the comments here, I backed off.

What’s your opinion with xtrade?

Hi, Xtrade is a regulated Forex broker, that’s all I can say. But beware of Xtrade Binary, because it is a different thing, nothing to do with the regulated broker.

What about EXPERT OPTION? is it reliable? Obrigado.

Hi, we don’t have any feedback about Expert Option, but as it is not regulated in any country with a strong binary options regulation, I would stay away.

I hope that in a torrential storm of dic*s all these scammers choke on one.

I am currently looking out for a legal binary trade app, can you let me know of any and also it would be great if you can review this website as well as per your comments above and a few who do not agree. I am a but skeptical about this below link now.

Hi, I believe that all binary options auto trading systems are scams. If any website is saying that Binary Option Auto Trading software is legit, it is a scam too.

I received an email promoting this bot. It sounds fantastic, a way to make easy money. It does not happen. Investing takes time and education. I have been trading for about 12 months now. I use 1Broker and Etoro. And i do make money. I use copytrading. You will not make money in 1 week. You need to let your investment grow for a min of 12 months. Yes there are people that make alot of money off trading but they study the markets.

Personally i started with $ 500 with 1 Broker and $1000 with Etoro. After 3 months i was making about $ 400 a week.

Use common sense folks. Stay away from the get rich quick programs.

hi john, what can u say about XTRADE?

Xtrade is regulated broker, but I don’t recommend it, because recently they had some problems and had their license suspended. Meanwhile XTrade Binary is a scam.

hi john, what can u say about OLYMP TRADE?

Hi, Olymp Trade is not regulated, stay away.


Hi, Markets, Etoro, IG, FX Pro, Trading 212 are regulated. Zulu Trade apparently is regulated too, but they don’t give enough information, so it doesn’t inspire me confidence. Sportware C-trader is a platform, not a broker. U-banker is not regulated.

Thanks John I now know which one to trade with because here in South Africa scams are like wind blowing all directions……

Hello what legit way can one earn a moderate income monthly, because I was ripped by f** bitcoin scammers, you think there’s scam in binary option, try the cryptocurrency then you’d know this world is truly a wicked world. JOHN any advice? ??

Hi, money can be made in trading, but profitable strategies are not shared in the public domain, because traders are competitors on the markets. So don’t expect to find a free profitable system. You can try to build your own strategy, but it takes time and learning.

Okay, thanks but can you give me a book to read on that or any strategy, please John have been ripped and I don’t have anything again,….Please John I look forward to hear from you. Obrigado.

Firstly, thank you so much for your website, I am sure that it has saved many a soul from losing hard earned cash through fake Binary Option Robots…we need guys like you!

I would however like to make one comment with regard to IQOption. After reading your post about a free demo trading platform with IQOption, I went to thier website to try out thier Demo, however when I tried to Register to open a free account, I received this message on my screen:

“In accordance with the Terms & Conditions, the company is not entitled to provide services to residents of the United States, Russia, Canada, Australia, Belgium, Israel”

I live in Australia, so was excluded from using the free demo platform. I felt it prudent to mention this to others who may reside in the countries mentioned in the above text.

Hi, yes, I know, but unfortunately I don’t know about any binary options broker licensed in Australia that I could recommend.

John your not as knowledgeable as you think. Every decent website related to trading binary options has that disclaimer at the bottom, except yours of course! There are plenty of binary options brokers in Australia licensed to ASIC it’s just your knowledge that lacks. Goldrock get off this website and find another!

I am not saying that there are not licensed brokers in Australia, I am saying that in Australia there are no licensed brokers that I could recommend. I have some personal experience with HighLow and Core Liquidity Markets. Both are licensed, but I won’t recommend them because my personal experience with them is not positive. That’s what I’m saying. And concerning disclaimers, our site is full of disclaimers in the shape of articles that warn about binary options scams (more than 700 articles). In every article we repeat that there is no free money in trading, that free systems will lose your money and that to make money in trading you have to learn and build yourself a profitable strategy in testing. And unlike the vast majority of other binary options websites we don’t promote any trading system. I think that we are doing a lot for the raising of the public awarness about how binary options really work.

I invested £500 and after an initial “win” I keep losing my money ..now I am down to my basic investment and fearing of losing all that I want out… but they will not return my orginal investment even under the threat of legal pursuants … I bitterly regret at ever getting involved with these companies and WARN others not to do so… you money is not safe.

Hi John Novak I am an australian who has have been scammed by BINARY OPTION AUTO TRADER who assigned me Utrader broker, when they would not start Auto trading for me I smelt a rat, and tried to withdraw my funds, well what a joke all the bull I got about I not answering my phone issued with fake no, s one was the Dominican Convent the other not connected every time I complained was told it was my fault I think you are right in saying their is no such thin as an auto trading robot I just hope if I can learn to trade manually and build up my account from usd500 I will be able to withdraw I think Urtader is a big well respected trader in Europe.

Hi, UTrader is not regulated, in fact, the Financial Conduct Authority from Britain placed this broker on a black list recently: thebestbinaryoptionsbrokers/fca-published-a-black-list-with-94-binary-options-firms.

thanks John you were right on the button when you pointed out some reviewers have been bought out I will do my money by the looks of it happy new year to you.

i am used binary option auto trading robot and losed my 250$….this site is only earning by affiliate programm….and losed all fund of clients………..

Would you be surprised to know that optionrobot is licensed through CySec. I only found out today. Why would CySec issue a license to a trading robot!? I know your answer before you say. It’s a scam, that seems to be your standard answer to all questions. I’m not, what you call, a spammer or trying to advertise anything, I’m a 67year old Australian. I’ve been looking at your site for a licensed, trusted and regulated brokers. Every time I selected a site there was no information just IQOptions. You’re aware that Aussies are not welcome. I’ve been doing research on brokers and their appears to be thousands, no, tens of thousands. Your response would be scam and scam to infinity. You don’t recommend one broker that we can use. The only broker you mention, time and time again is IQOptions. Do they pay you commission for your recommendations, it seems strange to me that in the entire world there’s not a single broker that you recommend. Also your word is final, you shoot down anyone who makes a suggestion. I have been in the financial industry for 30+years and I have never come across such a closed minded egotistical person as yourself. What is your claim to fame, can’t see that on your site. Do the world a favour and keep your paid for opinions to yourself.

You started your comment with a big lie, Optionrobot is not licensed by the CySEC, because Optionrobot is a scam. Therefore I don’t see the need to react to the rest of your comment, just a quick note about IQ Option – show me another reputable and regulated binary options broker with an unlimited free demo and we might list it as well.

And a message to all other people: You don’t have to trust our reviews, if you have any doubts, contact your national financial regulator and check with them whether any investment program is legit or not. I am absolutely certain that you will always get the confirmation of what we say in our reviews.

Didn’t Australians deserve a good broker review? We are 25000000 strong. And your standard answer optionrobot is a scam, show some proof. Your word means nothing without evidence. New you wouldn’t address any of the issues I brought up. Your word is like gods work and you probably believe in him.

I don’t know about any good binary options broker regulated in Australia, that’s the problem. I have some experience with HighLow, VantageFX and CoreLiquidityMarkets and I cannot recommend any of them, because my personal experience is not good. Tão simples como isso.

Binary Options Auto Trading Review.

Opções Binárias Trading Automático.

Binary Options Auto - trade offers a relatively new way of trading with binary options. There’s nothing new about “robots” in the world of investment, but when it comes to binary options we can clearly see that it is a novelty. Automated trading has already been used on platforms like MetaTrader to trade Forex with variable degrees of success. As with all approaches to trading approaches they have both their supporters and detractors.

Binary Options Auto Trading is famous for its efficient and potentially profitable way to trade. The indisputable advante of automated trade is the fact that you do not have to intervene the process of trading. You just leave the money and view the trader make the investment grow. The autopilot strategies let you just sit back and simply let the system do the work for you.

Automated binary options trading is a term used to describe any trading that takes place on an account with minimal or no effort from the trader. It lets computer software make trading decisions on the account. This software can be either installed on your computer or connected to your trading account via Internet.

Let the programme scan the market to identify profitable trading opportunities. As soon as it finds one it can execute the order on your account automatically. The asset, the frequency of trading as well as the amount of money you trade are usually determined in user settings in the software.

This automated approach to trading is a preferred solution for those who want to make money from binary options but who lack either the time or skills to trade manually on their account. This solution is also ideal for people looking to make a second income from financial trading.

This is my personal review of an automated binary options trading service. The service provide is an automatic trading tool that places trades on your behalf. They have Auto trade trial.

After I fill in the registration form my ballance is $0. To open an account in Auto-Trade I should go to “My account” seção.

1. Choose the section Flagman Account. Here we can see an ad banner and a suggestion to join the Binary Options Auto Trading system. To do this, I am asked to contact their account manager.

2. Alright! I talked to the manager and I got the access to the auto-trading system. Now when choosing Flagman in the section “my account” I don’t see the ad banner anymore. Here I have a list of trades that the system places for me and my balance is $ 20,000. My primary balance remained unchanged $ 0. This implies that I can trade myself as well on the broker’s site. They do not block the bill, as some other brokers do. The balances are divided between automatic and the main account. Bem. Let’s wait for the result!

3. Ok, now here is the result! In about 2 hours I could see the result, it coincided with NY trade session. My balance increased by $ 527 in a short period of time. This would be my profit, if I traded for real money, of course. Let’s see how my trading day ends.

4. So, my daily trial has come to an end. I liked the friendly interface of the terminal and the fact that I won $ 1017 in just one day. Bem. This can be a good investment of money, because a month profit can exceed $ 30,000. But it is up to you, everyone decides for himself.

Automated Option Trading Software Review.

Over the last couple of years, there have been some innovations in the binary options industry, these innovations aim to make trading easier and less tedious. One such innovation is auto trading software or binary option robot as they are commonly known. These binary option robots are programmed to do technical analysis, create option signals , and execute trades faster and with more accuracy than any human system, without the trader having to leave his seat or bat an eye. Unfortunately, most of the super-hyped and promising ones are outright scams only interested in making your wallet lighter. However, there are a few good and legit ones, the many scams have given auto trading software such a bad name the traders don’t know what to believe and what to stay away from, many have even sworn off trading robots completely. It is our duty to inform you, so that you will be able to make informed decisions (see what I did there?) and keep your money for longer. This review delves deeper into Option Robot and presents you all you need to know. No sugar coating. No bias.

Como o robô de opção binária pode mudar sua vida? Veja isso!


Como Ganhar Dinheiro com Robô de Opção Binária.

Robôs superiores da opção binária na Ucrânia.

Reivindique seu robô de opção binária grátis, comece com três etapas fáceis:

Nome do Robot Min. Investimento min. Classificação de Depósito.

1. O seu Robô de opção binária irá analisar o mercado e decidir, qual ativo (moedas, índices, commodities e ações), é correto para o comércio nesse momento.

2. O Robô da Opção Binária Preditará o Movimento de Preços.

Seu robô avaliará uma ampla gama de fatores e, em seguida, fará uma previsão de como o preço dos ativos se moverá, dizendo: Chamar (para cima) se acreditar que o preço aumentará e Coloque (para baixo), se acreditar que o preço cairá .

3. Decida quanto você quer investir.

Então você precisa decidir o quanto você deseja investir na mercadoria e quando esse investimento expirar.

4. Recolher os seus ganhos.

Finalmente, você coleciona seus ganhos (a parte boa!)

Get the automated option robot trading software for free by clicking on the button below and learn how you can make money while you sleep!

Automated Option Trading Software: Option Robot.

Option Robot Auto Trading Software.

Option Robot is recently introduced automated trading software designed and developed by expert traders with vast experience in Forex, binary options and derivatives trading. It is developed with a view to helping traders get the most out of their trading with little effort or experience necessary. Option Robot offers trading signals with winning rates as high as 83% and the best binary option brokers (such as IQ Option) in the world to choose from. It is free web based software meaning no download is necessary and it offers fully customizable features that give the trader ultimate control over what the software does. All these factors combined have increased the popularity of Option Robot making it one of the most preferred auto trading software systems in the world even above older and more established software. It is very unfortunate that US traders are not currently being accepted but the developers have given an assurance that plans are underway to include a US based broker in the near future.

Licensing and Authorization.

As of yet, there is no regulatory or licensing body for automatic trading software which is the main reason why scams and crooks have infiltrated the market and are able to cheat traders with impunity. Option Robot is not regulated under any jurisdiction but that does not mean it is a scam, almost all of the brokers on the site are regulated, some even by two regulatory bodies such as the renown CySEC from Cyprus and the FCA from the UK. So the secret here is not to check Option Robot’s license(s) but to choose your broker carefully because after all, it is the broker who you’re going to deposit your money with.

Like many brokers and software, Option Robot is not legally allowed to accept clients from the United States. This is because they are not registered and licensed by the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), as this is no walk in the park it is pretty understandable.

Features of the Option Robot System.

Option Robot, being software doesn’t have any trading platform of its own, instead using the ones used by its compatible brokers, which range from the popular SpotOption to the new and catchy TradeSmarter. Moving on, there is much more to Option Robot which attracted our attention, including:

While the brokers in the Option Robot system may have diverse asset indices, the robot only executes trades on currency pairs (such as EUR/GBP, EUR/USD, USD/CAD and GBP/USD). In this case the software predicts for you which of the given currencies will outperform the other at the close of the trading period. Currency pairs are a great asset type on their own but we feel the site would appeal to a wider audience if the asset index was diversified to include commodities, stocks and major world indices.


There are six different indicators that are used to generate signals for trade execution. A trader can choose one, two or even all of the indicators depending on the desired signal quality. The indicators are:

Trend – As the name implies, this indicator analyzes the general price movement in the market. If the general trend is a downtrend which calls for a “put” option, the indicator generates a “put” signal and the same applies for a “call” signal. 1 RSI – Also known as the relative strength index, the RSI is basically an oscillator undulating between 0 and 100 with extreme levels at above 70 and below 30. For levels above 70, the market conditions are overbought and the price will likely go down therefore a “put” signal is generated. Levels of 30 and below indicate oversold conditions with a high likelihood of an upward movement in price thus a “call” signal is produced. The RSI indicator is very popular and widely used in forex and stock markets, it was introduced to binary options just a couple of years ago. 2 Williams – This indicator, invented by Larry Williams is very similar in overall design and concept to the RSI and it is easy to confuse the two. The Williams indicator is also an oscillator ranging from 0 to 100 with overbought levels at 80 and oversold levels at 20 and below. Normally, levels above 80 shows the maximum price and buyers will not continue buying at the same price and therefore the price will fall. The best option here is the “put” option. At the oversold levels, the sellers are exhausted, with the price most likely to rise, thus a “call” option. 3.

MACD & # 8211; Standing for moving averages convergence divergence, this indicator compares the similarities and differences between two or more moving averages and their past behavior to come up with a signal. High accuracy is often achieved when this indicator is used alongside the trend indicator. 4 Stoch – This is short for the stochastic oscillator which was invented by Dr George Lane especially for forex trading, but who said we can’t use it in binary options too? Being an oscillator, this indicator moves between 0 to 100 to determine the price momentum and velocity in relation to the same asset over a given period of time. 5 CCI – The commodity channel index is an oscillator varying between 100+ and -100 in determining price movements. Generally, strong trends (those above 100) will indicate a continued rise in price which will call for a “call” signal, while weak trends (those below -100) show fluctuations thus a “put” signal is produced. This is however not to say that the price can only move above 100 and below -100, what happens mostly is that price levels tend to average between 100 and -100 with the market quickly adjusting to such. 6.

The indicators produce signals from their own analysis which is then transmitted to the trading software at light speed to execute the trade. Note that this only happens in auto trading software and is the main distinguishing factor between manual and automated trading. In manual trading, the signals are sent directly to the trader through text, email or another specified medium and the trader then decides what and when to trade, sometimes the signals may be invalid by the time the trade is entered leading to a loss. So, as a trader you need to be sure of the validity and expiry time of the signal you want to use to avoid entering a trade the wrong way and thus losing your investment.

Some of the recent signals.

Another important thing to note is that Option Robot has an excellent way of making sure the signals produced are as accurate as they can possibly be. If two (or more) indicators have been selected, they both have to give the same signal result for a signal to be generated and sent to the trading software itself. This means, if you, for instance, selected the RSI and trend indicators, for a “put” signal to be generated they will both have to indicate the same that is, “put”. The same goes for a “call” option. Otherwise for contrasting signals, no signal is generated and consequently no trade is entered into. This is a great way of ensuring the signals are of high accuracy with little margin for error, and maintain the winning rate at 83% or higher.

Corretores compatíveis.

One great thing about Option Robot is that they have a lot to offer in terms of brokers, and it is not all about quantity, all the brokers here are tried, tested and proven to be market leaders in their own way. The list of compatible brokers from which you will be able to choose includes:

OptionXo Banc de Binary.

StockPair CherryTrade.

Tradorax Big option.

Binary Tilt Binary Book.

The list goes on and on, for the full list, visit the website. Simply put, these are some of the best and most popular brokers across the world, with brokers like Banc de Binary and OptionsXO having been in the game for close to eight years now. Sites like Tradorax and StockPair are rising as well and have gained a lot of popularity in the short time they have been around. Whatever the case, true character is reflected by the company you keep, or so they say, and here we can confidently say that Options Robot is in good company.

Sistemas de negociação.

The genius minds behind Option Robot designed and gifted us with three bankroll management systems to give you control over your investments and the degree of risks you are exposed to. These systems, which we are going to call trading systems as per the site, are not that new and they are not presented as such. Traders with some background in Forex or stock trading may have come across these, or systems very similar.

Sistema clássico.

The classic system is the simplest and safest system of all, and it’s no surprise that most binary options robots use this system. Generally with this system, the amount invested in every trade is constant, whether the trade is a winning trade or a losing trade. You can’t lose or gain more than you have invested. For older, more settled traders, this is the system to choose.

Sistema Martingale.

This system holds the most profit potential but also has the highest risks and is mostly recommended for people with deep pockets. With this system, if your first trade was a win, the same amount is invested in the next trade and so on. If on the other hand it expired out of the money, the investment for the next trade is doubled. If that trade is also a loss, the investment is doubled again for the next trade. This goes on until profits are realized which is all a matter of luck.

The Fibonacci System.

This is the most technical but also the most accurate system. It follows the Fibonacci number sequence where every consecutive number is derived by adding the previous two numbers. The investment amount for a trade is determined by the preceding one, if it was a win, the amount is reduced back to the original figure again. In case of a loss, the amount keeps increasing per the sequence until a hit is achieved.

Other features.

Option Robot offers their traders a demo account, and they ought to. Basically, a demo account is an account identical in design and features to the other real account types and is involved in trading just like a real account. However, with a demo account, you are not required to deposit any real money and thus you are exposed to zero risks. Because of this demo accounts are well liked especially by new traders and, also to a large extent, traders who want to try a new trading platform or software like Option Robot. The presence of a demo account here and all the learning opportunities it presents, undoubtedly appeals to traders from all divides.

It is however not as free as it may appear. The fact is, and Option Robot don’t want you knowing this as it will be bad for business, you can only get access to the demo account if you have opened an account with Option Robot and one of their several affiliated brokers. A dark lining to a seemingly bright idea. Nevertheless, signing up is free and you don’t have to make any deposit to get access so that should not stop you if you want to try out the software.

Disappointingly, there are limited ways to contact and get assistance from customer care. Email inquiries can be sent to contactoptionrobot and a customer care agent will look into your inquiry or complaint and get back to you ‘shortly’. You know very well what that usually means. The other way is to fill the contact form to be found on the site and include your contact details to enable support to get in touch. And that’s all. Well, except that you are advised to first check the FAQ section for the answers before sending the email or completing the form, this is due to the “large number” of emails they receive per day which may force you to wait some time to get a reply. Hearing this, you can’t help but think if only there were other means to get in touch like a phone number or live chat the number of email would drop.

Educational materials, or lack thereof.

Being for the most part a signal provider and trading system, it would be unfair to burden Option Robot with the responsibility of promoting education to their clients. This is the duty of the brokers, no doubt. However, Option Robot is a new robot and not much is known about its trading process and how to get the best out of it. We expected to find several videos, eBooks and tutorials with more information on auto trading in general and the operations of Option Robot in particular, but we got very little of that. Apart from a semi active blog and the mandatory FAQ section, Option Robot have close to nothing to offer you in terms of education, you are far better Googling information on your own.

Pros and cons of using the Option Robot software.

The following are the reasons or features that make Option Robot great software you should try:

One of the ways to know a real and professional broker, especially in the murky waters of binary options, is by having a look at their website. Looking through Option Robot’s site, everything appears nice and well placed. For one there are no (stolen) photos showing moneyed individuals or anything to that effect, which is probably for the best. We all know that most of these pictures are stock images of random people or photoshopped celebrity images picked from some gossip e-mag. Everything on Option Robot’s site is put forward in a clear manner and all the tabs are such that you won’t spend extra effort getting to what you want. There it not a lot of information but at least Option Robot made the effort and took the time to make their site client friendly and decent, and in all honesty effort is always rewarded.

If you look through most of the binary options brokerage sites available, you will note one common feature on a large number of them – promises of making lots of cash per day, going as high as $1500 per day. Clearly, that’s ridiculous. As a matter of fact, if that was true we would see an influx of people to binary options and even have one or several legit millionaires who made their millions through trading. The fact that none of that has happened yet shows that all those promises don’t hold any water, and judging by their simple promotional approach Option Robot knows this. The site is admirably short on promises, which we know are false anyway, and instead focuses on how the trader can utilize the system for the best results.

Option Robot, different from most of the current trading robot sites, has quite significant information on how to customize the system and the various customizing options available like the trading system and indicators. Add that to the blog and FAQ section and you are sure not to miss out on any information you will need. This shows that the developers actually want you to benefit from the software and have made efforts to ensure that.

Option Robot trading software is free and completely web based, you only need a working internet connection to access, register or keep track of your trades. There are no known monthly or annual fees for using the software which needs no download and can be accessed through any phone or PC with internet. This is great news for us who would not pay a penny for software we know next to nothing about. The big let down here is that the system cannot be accessed offline as is the case with the latest software like Binary Option Robot.

Be assured that the brokers you will find on Option Robot, as mentioned elsewhere in this review, are top notch and the most used across all auto trading software. When trying to determine if a trading robot is reputable, we look at the caliber of the brokers they offer and we can truly say that Option Robot has passed this test.

The following facts about Option Robot will make you a little more cautious or may even put you off altogether, it’s your call really.

As much as we are intrigued by the amazing features and awesome signals, the bottom line is that Option Robot is relatively new to the market. The claims remain largely unsubstantiated which makes Option Robot rank a bit lower in our preference list, giving way to older and more proven trading software. However, looking at it from another angle, this is as much a blessing as it is a curse. For one, the lack of a proven, or unproven record raises curiosity and makes more people want to try it out, which is free anyway. Either way, a track record is important as not everyone will gamble with their money.

Perhaps the single most disappointing thing about Option Robot, with all its pros, is the fact that it trades only in currency pairs. This is surely going to turn away the majority of traders who prefer other types of assets like commodities, indices and stocks. We agree and commend the team behind Option Robot for specializing in a niche but this is not the area to try it for a new and growing firm. It has been proven time and time again that, all other factors observed, traders will most likely use the asset index of a broker or auto trading site as a basis for differentiation. Furthermore, international traders would be more interested if their local indices or stocks are available.

In what is a very bad business move, to sign up with Option Broker you will need to open a new account. That is, after signing up on the software, you will be required to select your preferred broker and open a completely new account to start trading. This means in simple language that if you have an account with one of the listed brokers, it will not work with the software as it will only accept broker accounts opened through its portal. On the flip side, new or experimenting traders will be fine with this. We can’t judge them, as it’s all a matter of personal preference but we speak for the majority.

Whether due to ignorance or omission, we just can’t quite understand why there is no information whatsoever given on the parent company or developers of Option Robot at the bottom of the page as is usually the case. This is sure to raise some eyebrows especially with the hawk-eyed and curious traders who have predilections for the nitty gritty. For starters, there are some questions that arise here. What do the developers have to hide? Most importantly who are the developers and what are their intentions? For now, those questions and many others remain unanswered, for how long only time will tell.

Opening an Account and Getting Started.

If after reading all that and weighing the pros and cons you decide to sign up with Option Robot, the process is as simple as just giving a few personal details – name, address (both physical and email) and that’s it. As a requirement, you must select the broker you want your trades to be linked to. You will be redirected to the broker’s sign up page where you will complete the registration and make the initial deposit, the minimum of which depends on the particular broker. However, as a guide, all the brokers will require a minimum of at least $250. These deposits can be made through bank wire transfer, credit or debit cards, or using various other available online payment systems like Skrill and MoneyBookers. For bank wire transfer, you are advised to check with your bank on the charges beforehand to avoid any misunderstandings.

After setup, to start the auto trading process, click on the ‘Auto Trade’ tab and the software will know what to do next. For a better experience, customize your trading options by going to ‘Settings’ and follow the prompts to select, change or remove indicators, set your investment amount per trade or select the trading system you want the system to follow when executing trades for you. With this, you are all set to go. Correction: the robot is all set to go for you! You can rest comfortably and check in after some time to collect your earnings.

It is rare to see software with this kind of freedom in customization and you have to give props to the (presently) anonymous brains behind Option Robot for the idea. For the traders, they will surely love the fact they have control over the software and not the other way around, as is the case with most of the backstreet and substandard robots in the market.

Possible setting for each option robot broker.

Reviewing Automated Trading Software.

Everyone loves little extra and the love multiplies when it comes to making extra money. The financial instrument trading provides a great opportunity to make that extra money and with the advent of Automated Trading Software, you can make that little extra even with little efforts. Currently, there are several automated trading software available which caters to a variety of assets trading including stocks, currencies, and the binaries.

In laymen’s terms, the automated software is nothing but a software algorithm that is able to trade on behalf of you with given set of settings. The automated software needs to be connected with the trading exchange or a trading platform to execute the trades. The right platform with an automated software executes trades on behalf of you which include identifying the underlying with a high probability of winning, placing an order, and closing the trade.

This automated trading software allows you to set specific rules and from thereon, they execute the trades according to the set parameters. The trading happens in a real-time and is often quicker than the manual trading, allowing you to have higher winning percentages. The designated software can be used for a variety of assets including stocks, indices, currency pairs, and commodities.

What To Look From an Automated Trading Software?

While signing up for an Automated Trading Software, you should look out for certain things and conduct a thorough research before you commit yourself with real money. Almost all the Automated Trading Software are available through the web browser and it does not require you to download the software. The Automated Trading Software should be compatible with your preferred broking partner otherwise; it will not make sense.

The professionally developed software are designed to give you ease of access and ease of trading to cater to beginners as well as the seasoned professionals. The software should be able to provide complete transaction control and it should operate on the specified parameters. The most important aspect of the research on the Automated Trading Software, is to go through online reviews and blogs related to binary trading which provides unbiased opinions on various software and brokers.

As the trading is carried out for making a revenue stream, you should look out for any hidden cost associated with the Automated Trading Software, its winning ratio, and its association with the well-regulated brokerage house. In order to support you in your research on various Automated Software, our website can be a very useful resource as we conduct reviews of brokers and software on regular basis as well as update them frequently with the latest update to provide you up to date information.

Spend sufficient time to research the most suitable Automated Software which best fits your requirements. Following table provides you a bird’s eye view on five Automated Trading Software which are topping the charts.

Automated Trading Software Review Table.

Software Automatizado de Robot de Opção.


The Automated Binary.


O Real Robot.


Benefits of Using The Automated Binary Software.

Investment in the Automated Trading Software offers several distinct advantages over a manual trading. It not only shortens your learning curve; it also helps you to use the expertise of the professional traders to your benefits. The Automated Trading Software provides you to spend less time on trading and more time with your loved ones. The following text enlists some of the key benefits of the Automated Trading Software in the binary trading.

Allows you to automate your trading: The most prominent advantage of the automated trading software is that it literally allows you to earn profits while you vacationing with family. It is a well-known fact that trading can be a profitable business, but our busy lifestyle doesn’t give enough time to learn, evaluate and executes the trades. Trading requires an up to date information regarding the market, the underlying, and other factors to make it a profitable business. Even though the trading is considered as a profitable business venture, the shortage of time makes it even difficult to try.

With 5-minute settings on the automated software, helps you make trading as a revenue generating stream even without spending too much time on it. This is one of the prime advantages of using the automated trading software.

Make profit from the beginning: Newcomers are required to spend considerable time and energy into learning the technical and fundamental analysis in order to be a successful trader. The process of learning these aspects can take several years to master and this makes it even more difficult for the beginners to taste the profits. By investing in the Automated Trading Software, you can avoid this long and painful process. The automated trading software allows you to utilize the expertise of the seasoned professionals to your own advantage and make winning a habit right from the beginning. Emotion free trading: The trading requires lots of perseverance and practice to excel, however, the traders get carried away by hunches and own feelings. Traders tend to develop a strong feeling about a particular underlying if they have made profits on few trades in that specific underlying. This makes them trade that particular underlying again and again until they finally get trapped and make huge losses. So, a successful trader can only become successful if he is able to remove emotions from his trading.

The automated trading software once set, completely removes the emotion part out of the trading and consistently executes trades on several underlying. This way it helps to keep a safe distance with the emotions while trading.

Can trade without tiring: Trading is very exhaustive and also can be very tiring after a certain period. The binary options trading also takes a considerable amount of time of the trader, creating a work-life imbalance. The trading software also helps in this scenario, as it is inhuman to all-day trading and can provide you with a spare time to spend on your favorite activity. The robot doesn’t get fatigued from long working hours, and hence able to trade for long hours. Able to track several assets at once : The trader trading for one hour a day will lose several opportunities presented in the remaining 23 hours. An automated trading software working on behalf of you will be able to track several opportunities at once and will be able to make rational decision to place trades on the probable winning opportunities all day long.

Overall, the automated trading software takes the rules from the human brains and translate them in the algorithm which can consistently perform on a set of parameters without tiring and without carried away by the emotions. The automated trading software makes the life of a trader easier and more enjoyable.

Experiência comercial.

After completing the registration and set up process, it will be time to enter your first trade, with the help of the robot, of course. Being fully automated trading software, Option Robot receives the signals from the indicators and immediately uses them to enter a trade without any signal being sent to you. That is the reason they are called auto trading systems or robots. The minimum investment per single trade is set at $5 to make it easy.


In all honesty, despite a few hiccups here and there, you can’t argue with the fact that Option Robot is one of the best binary options robots in the market today, and it has the potential to do even better.

Get the automated option robot trading software for free by clicking on the button below and learn how you can make money while you sleep!

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Autor: Michael Allen.

Michael Allen é o principal autor da binaryoptionrobotinfo. Possui Doutorado em Economia e trabalhou em banco de investimento por 24 anos. Ver todas as postagens de Michael Allen.

Opção de opção binária recomendada Auto Traders.

Robô de Opção.

Obtenha o melhor robô de opção binária - Option Robot - gratuitamente, clicando no botão abaixo. Nossa oferta exclusiva: conta demo gratuita! Veja o quão lucrativo o Robot da Opção antes de investir com dinheiro real!

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O Real Robot.

O melhor novo software de negociação automática: Automated Binary. Obtenha agora gratuitamente, clicando no botão abaixo e comece a ganhar dinheiro enquanto você dorme!

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Coloque seus negócios para copiar os melhores comerciantes do mundo e ganhe dinheiro sem fazer muito trabalho. Software inovador, que você pode obter livremente clicando no botão abaixo.

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Mike's Auto Trader.

Um dos melhores comerciantes de automóveis, que você pode obter gratuitamente, clicando no botão abaixo.

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Michael Allen.

Michael Allen é o principal autor da binaryoptionrobotinfo. Possui Doutorado em Economia e trabalhou em banco de investimento por 24 anos.


I liked this review about Automated Trading software. You can come across several interesting features about Automated Trading software which might not be present with other binary options trading portals. There are several compatible and regulated brokers with Automated Trading software. As such, you can be convinced of the reliability of this trading portal. When you are dealing with licensed and compatible brokers, there are minimal chances of you losing any money. This is the reason I trust Automated Trading software. This trading portal also offers the chanced to open a free demo account such that you can be assured of its services.

If you are looking for some expert binary options trading portal, then Option Robot is the best automated binary options trading software out there. When you invest money into this trading portal, you do not have to worry about anything else. Option Robot has the presence of some of the most reliable brokers who make you relax as you do binary trading. Everything happens automatically. You will be able to generate higher profits through the compatible brokers present with Option Robot. I find it to be the best binary options trading portal. You must try it out if you are a beginner in binary trading.

Automated Trading software seemed like a good binary options trading portal to me. I think the individuals who are trading with Option Robot will find any other binary trading portal to be just average. This is because there is no competing Option Robot when it comes to earning higher profits on binary trading. Option Robot has some of the best signals that it offers to its traders. Moreover, the brokers present with Option Robot are also highly compatible. You can trust them completely for the success of your binary trading. Therefore, I completely trust Option Robot only!

Out of several binary options trading portals, one reliable portal that I have come across is the Automated Trading software. As you can read through this article, all the claims offered by this trading portal are highly genuine and reliable. Even the brokers present with Automated Trading software are highly regulated and licensed. The trading algorithms used on this system are also very accurate and thus, help in generating higher profits for the traders in real time. If you are looking for some good trading option, then you can try Automated Trading software!

I liked this review about Automated Trading software. It is one of the most reliable binary options trading portals available there. You can trust the licensed brokers that are present on Automated Trading software. Moreover, even the binary trading signals offered by Automated Trading software are highly profitable. You can also create a free demo account for yourself with Automated Trading software. This feature is highly useful especially if you are a beginner in binary options trading industry. I liked Automated Trading software and would suggest the traders to give this one a try.

Great review about Automated Trading software! I really liked Automated Trading software and would definitely consider investing in this one for my next binary trading. I have been investing in Mike’s Auto Trader until now and I have been doing fairly good in it. However, I always like trying out the new binary options trading portals to gain maximum profits out of the same. after reading this review about Automated Trading software, I think I will try this one for sure. The reviews are good and even there are several positive testimonials about it too. Muito bom!

Automated Binary trading software seems to be a good one! It offers great features right from highly reliable binary signals to flexible withdrawal methods. I think I will give this one a try. Though I am pretty much satisfied with the results produced from IQ Robot, I would still like to try out Automated Binary Trading software. I really like the fact that this trading software is offering highly compatible brokers to the traders. It is rare to find a reliable binary trading portal offering compatible and regulated brokers for binary trading. Therefore, I would also suggest other traders to try out Automated Binary Trading.

Automated Trading software is a highly reliable and legitimate binary options trading software. I had recently invested my money into this trading platform and I earned a good amount of $500 within a period of week itself. Moreover, I must appreciate their customer care unit as the customer care executives here are really supportive and responsive. Whenever I face any kind of problem, I contact their customer care team and I am always given the best possible guidance. I must say that all the traders out there must try out Automated Trading software for once in their trading career.

I had only been trusting Option Robot until now when it came to making investments in the binary options trading platform. But now, having read this detailed review about Automated Option Trading software, I think I can give this one also a try. Michael unveils all the ins & outs of this trading platform in this article. This is the best thing about his articles. He never hides any information and presents a well-research article to the readers. I will definitely try Automated Option Trading software this time.

A maioria dos iniciantes na negociação de opções binárias não conseguem alcançar o sucesso desejado porque acabam por escolher o portal errado para si. No entanto, depois de ler este artigo, os leitores poderão fazer o julgamento correto. Desta forma, eles podem garantir seu sucesso no portal de negociação de opções binárias, uma vez que nunca terão que investir em qualquer fraude comercial de opções binárias. Um ótimo artigo para ler para todos os investidores desejosos lá fora!

I have heard about several online binary options trading platforms. I was always looking for the one that asked for minimal investment and was able to deliver the best profits to its investors. When I read this detailed review about the Automated Option Trading software, I liked it and its unique features. However, I still trust Option Robot as my reliable binary options trading platform. I have been investing in this reliable and legit binary options trading platform since a long time and I have never suffered any substantial loss. In fact, I have earned great profits only. Still, great article!

Michael, you have done a great job by letting the readers know about the automated option trading platform. There are several naïve traders who do not know about the in & out of the system and thus, end up losing a major portion of their investment. By making them aware of the reliability and effectiveness of the automated option trading portal, this article can help them earn greater profits upon their investment. Really informative article!

If the investors are looking forward to investing their money in some reliable automated binary trading system, then Option Robot is the best one for them. Even I tried using this binary trading portal and have to the conclusion that this is one of the best binary trading platforms out there. If you are a beginner and do not know anything about binary trading, then Option Robot can help you in several ways by giving you the best trading solutions that can make you earn the desired profits.

I was using OneTwoTrade until now for investing and trading in the binary options trading platform. However, I could not achieve the desirable success at it. Now, I think it is a big scam and only offers fake claims & assurances. As such, now I think of using Option Robot to invest my money and do binary trading. Michael has really solved my major problem by writing down this article which explains the benefits of investing in this automated binary trading platform. Obrigado!

After trying out several binary options trading platforms and yet not succeeding in any one of them, I finally came across this detailed review of the automated option trading platform. Now, I have gained confidence again into the whole concept of Option Robot and the benefits of investing in this automated trading portal. Michael has done a really great job as this article is going to help out several individuals out there who wish to make it big in the binary options trading industry.

I am new to binary options trading and was highly skeptical about where to invest my money. But now, after having read your article on the automated option trading system review, its working and the potential benefits of the same, I am completely sorted out. I think Option Robot is indeed one of the best binary options trading platforms there and therefore, I will be investing my money into this platform only. Obrigado Michael.

Michael, you have done a great job by letting the readers know about the automated option trading platform. There are several naïve traders who do not know about the in & out of the system and thus, end up losing a major portion of their investment. By making them aware of the reliability and effectiveness of the automated option trading portal, this article can help them earn greater profits upon their investment. Really informative article!

If the investors are looking forward to investing their money in some reliable automated binary trading system, then Option Robot is the best one for them from the automated softwares. Even I tried using this binary trading portal and have to the conclusion that this is one of the best binary trading platforms out there. If you are a beginner and do not know anything about binary trading, then Option Robot can help you in several ways by giving you the best trading solutions that can make you earn the desired profits. Excellent articles!

Really good stuff, thank you very much binaryoptionrobotinfo, i have made good amount of money, will post results later when i have more data.

Greetings from Russia.

The best binary options software for sure! I tried 11 other binary robots before the option robot and lose with all of these scams. the option robot is only 110% honest and profitable one on the market.

Binary Options Auto Trading Reviews.

O que é a troca automática de opções binárias?

Binary Options auto trading involves using robots, EAs and software to trade on your account automatically. Unlike regular trading signals, which require you to manually place the trades yourself, auto traders can place trades automatically in your account for you.

The following page provides reviews of the top auto-trading software and binary options robots.

Recommended AutoTrading Software:

1. Binary Option Robot: Binary-Option-Robot.

Unlike other software, the Binary Options Robot is free to download and allows you to customise your trading options including the currency pairs, trading system, expiry time (60s – 1hr) and trade amount. You can toggle between the auto-trading feature or trade manually using the signal alerts.

I also really like the transparency of this trading system, which allows you to choose between a number of different indicators to generate the signals. The only downside is that it only works across three brokers: StockPair, ZoomTrader (US) and TopOption.

Price: Varies Between Providers. Avg. of $200 per Month. (Read Our Signal Push Review)

SignalPush is an automatic trade copying service that connects you to independent signal providers. You can choose from dozens of different signal providers and either copy their trades in real-time or simply use the manual trading feature for the signals.

The great thing about SignalPush is that it provides a leader board of signal providers with their average win-rate, assets and no. of trades over time. This provides 100% transparency and allows you to understand the risks and rewards before you copy trades. Most providers also offer a guarantee 60% ITM (In-The-Money) once you sign up.

Are Binary Auto Traders All Scams?

There is no definitive answer to this question. The rapid growth of the binary options market has certainly promoted the “make money quick” side of marketing. Many clever marketers have taken advantage of this new space by heavily promoting auto-trader robots and signals that claim to guarantee success but actually lose traders money.

The reason I don’t think there’s a definitive answer to whether auto-trading software such as BinaryAutoTrader or SignalPush are is because it depends on how you use these services as part of your strategy and to what extent you consider a win-rate of 60-70% a success.

For example, although most of these products claim to have guaranteed win-rates of 90%+ on their website, the majority of these auto-trading systems will be based on technical indicators and signals that realistically have a win-rate of 60-75%. This is no different to how professional Forex traders use technical indicators on their MT4 platform.

However, the difference is that professional traders will use these indicators as part of a holistic strategy (e. g. trend trading, scalping, channel trading etc) that takes into account market conditions, analysis and candlestick patterns.

If you’re completely relying on these signals alone to trade binary options then you’re unlikely to make much money in the long run. This is because technical indicators are highly prone to error in choppy market conditions.

No. As mentioned, most of these binary auto traders rely on technical indicators with an average win-rate of 60-75%. In fact, many of the highly proclaims auto-traders actually lose the traders money, especially the ones backed by brokers or those with shorter time frames.

With that being said, some of the leading software providers such AutoBinarySignals actually provide you with a trend expectancy of 60-80% (as shown in the image below). Therefore, if you choose an option with an 80% expectancy and we assume that the software is only around 75% accurate then you’re actually looking at a win-rate of 0.8×0.7 = 56%. At this rate you’ll barely break-even, however you won’t necessarily lose money, therefore it’s up to you whether or not you consider this a scam.

Remember, if the software provides a “trend expectancy percentage” than you should take this into account when trading. If you start trading signals with an expectancy of less than 60% then of course you’ll lose money.

If the software provides a risk/money management feature then you should also take advantage of this to reduce your risks. Learn more about money management in our article here.

Be Wary of Software that is owned by Brokers.

Some of the binary options robots are even backed by brokers now, where it is in their interest for you to lose money. Therefore, when choosing an auto-trader you need to be very careful to who actually owns and develops the software.

How do Binary Auto-Traders Make Money?

Although most binary auto trading software charges the user a fee of $50-$100 per month, you should also bear in mind that they earn a large commission by getting you to sign up to a broker. This is why many auto-trading software providers encourage you to sign up to multiple brokers and make a large initial deposit (the higher your deposit, the more that they earn).

What are the Advantages of Binary Options Auto Trading?

The main advantage of signing up to an auto-trader is that it will trade on your account automatically without you having to place traders yourself. This means you don’t miss any signal alerts, which technically means you’ll earn more money if the signals are profitable.

Auto trading software is binary options is also easy and quick for beginners to set up. There are no complicated MT4 charts, API software or indicators that you need to learn and download. In most cases you simply sign up an account and install a chrome extension or enter your broker details to complete the process.

Finally, most binary options trading products are sold using a payment provider called ClickBank. As a requirement, all products come with a 60-day money back guarantee. This means if you’re not satisfied with the product you bought then in many cases you can get a full refund (this doesn’t include any money deposited with a broker).

What are the Disadvantages of Auto Trading?

I’d argue there are more disadvantages than advantages to auto trading.

1. First of all, there is no way of verifying a system is successful before you sign up and pay for it. Unlike Forex, where EAs, auto-traders and signals can be verified on third-party tools such as MyFXBook and MQL5, no verification system exists in binary options.

2. Secondly, many binary options products actually lose traders money and publish false screenshots of winning trades on their website. In order to break-even with a winning payout of 85-90%, you need to trade 55%+ ITM (his doesn’t take into account the cost of the software). Therefore, you really need to see an average proven win-rate of 70%+ in order to make sure the software is worth it.

3. You lose control of trades on your account if you sign up to an auto-trading product. This is especially true if you leave it running overnight or on whilst your at work. This is why you need to be a lot more careful when choosing an auto-trading service as opposed to manual signals.

4. The interests of software providers are more aligned with brokers then with traders. Remember, even if you ask for a refund, the auto-trader owner will still make money from referral commissions if you deposited through a broker through their site. This shows that they don’t necessarily have to provide a great product to make money from traders. They make more money from brokers then the trader subscriptions themselves.

5. Most binary options software providers will be affiliated with brokers and will give you registration details to them. This means as soon as you sign up, you’ll likely receive spam emails from brokers encourage you to buy their software or open an account with a broker.

6. You’ll be culpable to any trading software that you download on your computer. Remember, none of these extensions or plugins that auto-trading websites provide are official. If something goes wrong or causes an error on your system hen you won’t be able to.

So which is Better and what do I use? Binary options robot, Auto-Trading Services or Signal Providers?

Personally, I think manual signals and auto-trading services that allow you to place trades manually are the best decision. This ensures you can verify and practice with the software to see what works best, as opposed to blindly relying on the software to trade for you.

With that all said, if you’re serious about making money in binary options then you’re better off developing your own strategies and systems and learning how to trade successfully in our binary options strategies course.

If you enjoyed reading about binary options auto signals you may like to learn more about binary brokers.

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Binary Option Auto Trading Review: Winning Software.

& gt; Binary Option Auto Trading Review: Winning Software.

You may have been wondering which automated system is best suited for you. Binary Option Autotrading software is a professional automated binary trading software with an average win-rate of 86%. With this software trading binary option becomes fun on autopilot. It is a software that has been tried and tested, and we presently recommend this software. Binary Option Auto trading is different from the numerous scams out there, they don’t give you the bogus claim of turning you to a millionaire overnight. If you need a regularly profitable system, then this is the right choice for you. All countries accepted including U. S.A.

Pros(Advantages) of Binary Option Auto Trading Software.

BinaryOptionAutotrading software has got lots of features that stands it out:

There are a huge list of brokers you can choose from . When you initially signup, a broker would be suggested to you. However you can use the suggested broker or select from the ones available to you. Not only that, with this software you can also open multiple broker accounts and and trade on them with the software. It is a 100% Fully Automated Binary Trading Software: With Binary Auto trading software, once you have set up your account and the settings, the system autotrades for you and you can go about your normal day’s activity, you don’t have to stay glued to your browser or be connected to the internet. Whenever you like you can re-adjust the settings. Stop Loss Function No download required: This software is web based and you could access it with any platform, you don’t have to download it. Any browsing device can work with it. Binary Option Auto trading accepts all country.

Binary Option Auto trading Settings for Starters: These settings is good to start with: 10/25 USD a trade. Maximum trades a day 10. Stop loss 50. And all the other settings as was when you logged in. However, you can adjust the settings to your best need.

No demo account is offered.

Steps to setting up your Binary Option Auto trading Account.

Step 1: Enter your details The following details are required.

After you have entered these details click on Open Account, then you would be re-directed to the next page where you would complete the registration. The details needed this time around would be.

Step 2: Choose a broker and Deposit.

A broker would be suggested to you, you can go ahead and fund the broker or choose any other broker available to you. Available brokers are.

This is were you put in the settings you want the software to use. It consists of.

Trade Options: Here you set the following details below.

Daily Stop Loss: It protects your money by enabling you to set the maximum amount that can be lost on a daily base when the trading becomes unpredictable Trade Amount Maximum Daily Trades: Here you set the maximum number of trade the software should trade on a daily basis Reverse Trading: If you do not trust the signals then just trade the opposite by activating this feature. Using this feature is of course not advisable.

Asset Options: Here you select the assets you want to auto trade on. The number of assets available depends on the broker, having multiple broker account provides you with a huge list of assets to trade on.

Risk Level: In the risk level section, you can control the level of risk that you would like to trade with. Each signal that comes from their signal providers are categorize into four different risk levels, indicating how confident the signal provider are on a winning signal.

If you select low risk level the autotrading robot will place fewer trades than if you select a higher risk level. On each risk level the auto trading system will trade on all signals having a risk level lower that the selected level.

Signal Time Frames: In binary option auto trading signal time frames section, you can select which signals to trade depending on the signals expire time. You can trade on signals that expire within the selected time frame. If, for example you deselect the time frame “0 – 24 hours” you will not trade on signals that expire in the next 24 hours from when the signal are received.

Signal Providers: In the signal providers section you can choose which signal providers you want to follow. Each signal provider trades its own strategy and you can easily select the trader you like to follow. Just click the button next to the signal provider to select or deselect trading the signals from the signal provider.

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